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  1. Sorry for error . The 3d0 are in d:\asset\3d0 . Every system has a specific path
  2. i haven't change marquee masher or other stuff. i ve changed the emulator from mame ui to mame . also resored old mameui and tried new mameui but nothing changed
  3. Ad you see When use mame i have desktop wallpaper . Other system are right
  4. yes the path is correct
  5. thanks draco1962 I ll try to explain in gameex if I use panaosic3d0 (with its own emulator) or amiga Atari megardive master system with their own emulators I have for each game their marquee on second monitor in mame dosent appear. I ve passed from .219 to 254 rom and chd , updated mameui and tried to use mame 254. originally I have the marquee also when scroll games in gameex but now when I scroll games or launch games on second display I have only my desktop i ve enabled marquee masher (if I remember correctly the name). i ve disabled on mame.exe in mame.ini second monitor and marquee view but nothing happen. who decide the marquee on second monitor? the emulator or the gameex frontend. thanks for your precious help
  6. hi all marquees works fine ex panasonic 3d0. on mame i ve setted 2 display in classic mame 0.254b (ive the same romset) all games start but in the upper screen i have the clone of the playying screen. also marquee are well setted in mame . also tried mame us same problem log.txt GameEx.ini mame.ini
  7. hi. after start setup wizard for a detailed parameter config.. all configs disappears... is there a backup file in gameex ? or which files do i have to rescue from a previous backup??? thanks
  8. resolved added this command in mame -nowindow -joy -mouse -skip_gameinfo
  9. hi . i use mame ui 64 0.188 for my mame roms. i ve configured in option controller enable mouse input controller mapping ..paddle and dial and trackball setted to mouse using for example 1000 miglia i can use spinner setted as wheel 270 to play the game correctly. when i start mame from gameex i ve no possibility to use the spinner in the tab control... what is the problem ? thanks GameEx.ini log.txt MAMEUI.ini mame.ini mame.ini
  10. ok repository manager online... right?
  11. thanks but in the setup wizard repository.. there is nothing....
  12. hi. after the update .. in setup.. the plugins disappeared.. if i re install plug in they are downloaded correctly but in configuration page it's all white I READ ABOUT ADDIN.. how can i restore my plugins?
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