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  1. Figured I'd try this just in case. Interesting it tells me I need Unibios 4.0 - fairly sure when i ran games from the command line it worked fine but ok. Found that and added it to neogeo.zip bios pack and Voila! (or as I see people often say on forums "wala") These Neogeo games don't play now but thats no big deal can sort that out. Getting them into the game list was the real challenge. Lol Thanks for all your help both you and Draco made me check some stuff I didn't think likely to be part of the issue which was the key in the end.
  2. GameEx.ininew 16.74 log and ini attached . No change on the game list log.txt
  3. I've used Gameex for years this is a new issue. In the spirit of trying to solve the issue. I enabled filters and added one rom to the do not filter list (magdrop3) This changed none of the observed behaviours. Still doesn't appear in the list.
  4. Updated every single step of the way. Not going to add an entire system to my don't filter list. It's turned off anyway. I'm not looking to have to do everything manually, I'll revert to Mamewah first. Remember, Neogeo is just what I have noticed is missing. I don't see game counts anywhere it could be missing thousands of games literally. Thanks anyway.
  5. yessir. my configs are attached here somewhere. Nothing is hidden and no filters.
  6. Well it sounded good but didn't work for me. I tried the following: - replaced neogeo.zip and also created neogeo.7z just because my roms are 7z - no change. - converted some neogeo roms to zip just incase 7z is the issue - no change. should mention all these games play just fine they simply wont appear on the Gameex menus anywhere including the ALL GAMES list, don't see them there either. ALSO: Just noticed now for some reason I do have Metal Slug 5 in my All games list but no other Neogeo games I can think of. Dunno if maybe that one is different in some way or if that tells you anything.
  7. Ok, no problem. I attached those files. I'm on latest Mame 226 but had the problem already with whatever I was on before that, 212 or so. I won't be so long between visits here next time and appreciate your help. Thanks. GameEx.ini log.txt
  8. I do not have any NeoGeo games showing up in my lists. Not in the NeoGeo sub-list but also not in the ALL GAMES list. I have tried everything I can think of, including all suggestions where people have had the same issue in older versions. Some of the things I have tried: - Latest version of GameEx Arcade installed - All filters are off - All collection lists are turned on - A bunch of other trial and error stuff that went nowhere. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  9. Keyboard as in IPAC/control panel or physical USB keyboard. UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT are fine, it's the SELECT (1) and BACK (2) keys that do not work as configured in gameex.ini
  10. Logs attached. Haven't tried using onscreen keyboard so can't comment. [GAMEEXEVO_LOGS].7z
  11. Mouse support is fine, but I want to be able to do everything with the Keyboard/Cpanel without necessarily having to use the Mouse. As far as I can tell this is impossible as there is no way to select anything from the keyboard, have I stumbled on an incomplete piece in EVO? or am I entirely missing something? My Gameex.ini is attached. Also Note even with EnableLetterSelect=False, Letter select still works. [GAMEEX].ini
  12. I don't prefer RDP but I'm sure you know more than I so I will persevere, it definitely solves this problem. Thanks!
  13. There's a little menu icon in the lower right corner just beside the 'back' icon. In there you can choose from a few options including wheel.
  14. Thanks Tom, Anyone figured out a workaround? Custom vnc server perhaps. Or maybe something with autohotkey? I've googled a fair amount, not seen anything.
  15. 2 issues. - can't for the life of me figure out how to generate the MAME gamelist. I have all paths setup correctly and verifying ok. Other emulators work fine. EDIT: uninstalled/reinstalled and this first part now works. Following point is outstanding. Thanks. - how can I set gameex EVO to respond to direct input (I think that's what I need), specifically I want to configure over vnc and currently Evo does not respond to mouse clicks or key presses over VNC. I think in Mame I simply set directinput 1 to solve this issue. TIA!
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