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  1. THANK YOU GENTLEMEN! That covers it all. I got Gunslinger working this morning. So I am about to do the rest, with artwork etc. This is great. I am going to treat myself to GAMEX and buy it/register for Christmas. Its fab. So doubt I will be back like Arnie sometime soon asking for help with Mame, Pinball and the Jukebox. Cheers! Many thanks once again.
  2. Dear All I have a windows 7 media center pc that works fine and have just installed game x. But I cant seem to work out how to make it launch PC games from within the gamex interface in media center. I want to Launch FarCry3.exe and Call of Juarez Gunslinger.exe Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get the games to show up and launch as I cant seem to find anything in the help section regarding PC Games. If I can get them working I will put others in like Southpark Stick of Truth etc. They are not STEAM based or anything like that. Then I can move on to MAME and Pinball once I get the PC Gaming working! Cheers!
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