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About knucklehd

  • Birthday 03/17/1970

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  1. I finally made this work by creating this kill.vbs file to kill the dmd when entering FX2 and then loading another instance of futuredmd when exiting the FX2 table. Found similar problem on another forum, modify for my FX2 needs. O.k. Got it working in Pinballx. Download or create a kill.vbs file. Like this Mark4par says: open txt editor and copy this into it and save and exit taskKill = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & taskKill & "\root\cimv2") Set processlistFull= objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Process Where name = 'FutureDMD.exe'") For Each killPro In processlistFull killPro.Terminate() Next Save and change .txt to .vbs. Now just direct pinballx in the Pinball FX2 settings to close FutureDMD with this kill.vbs script at launch and then open futuredmd on exit.
  2. Hey thanks again for these. I didn't realize they were so big at first. I have an ssd drive, so i need all the space i can get. I tested with Darth Vader original file size @ 44mb. 1920x1080 recorded using higher bits 11k Most people generally use 1280x1024 for their backglass. I am no video - codec guy, but i wanted to compress the video and test it out to see if i could see any visual difference in quality. I downloaded free video compressor. You can of course use quick time pro and others. I immediately chopped it to half size 22mb and couldn't tell a difference at all. I tried 5 different tests all the way down to a 4mb file (My table videos are ~7mb each) I honestly couldn't tell a difference so i tested with a small audience and asked them to tell me which version looked the best, they couldn't tell a difference. Yes if you REALLY try hard, you can tell, especially experienced graphic folk. I settled for even reducing the size down to 1280x720p and the ~4mb file. This saves bandwidth, system performance, HD space etc. So Namson, I ask if you would consider in at the very least cutting your video size in half for downloading bandwidth friendliness. You could leave the rest of the quality alone for those who truly need a 1920x1080. I have only tested with this one backglass. I am ready to get the rest, but i wanted to put this out here before I go and download the rest. In the end if you make no change in size reduction, (That is fine of course) I will eventually get them all compress them, and I could host them for others who need the Lower quality files. Again, I am fairly picky, but i cannot tell usable difference in 44mb vs 4mb compressed mp4 . Thanks for your time.
  3. Wow, these look awesome! This will complete the total overall look now. Thanks so much.
  4. Thank you for these projects. I finally got around to getting FX2 working and now about to try the media pack out. I have just Paypal donated to your support. FYI The link for the PA launcher from after donating gives an error: <Error><Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message><Key>NukePA.zip</Key><RequestId>F5A98AE4D3EBDA98</RequestId><HostId>CymqKk/AnhyvBBKCWNYitZ/pFbh568X/X+umqMiGX0t8i522gDTFyIdriMM3uTzo</HostId></Error>
  5. I was wondering if I am the only one with this issue, I couldn't find anything relevant in the forum. I'm using Pinballx FE, using the future dmd plugin. I have 3 monitor pinball cab. How do you make future dmd close if it is already running? I want future dmd running to enjoy benefit of stats during the menus, so i load it on win764 startup, once i go into a fx2 table, the future dmd is on top of the fx2 dmd on my 3rd monitor. So i would like to close it first, then re load it when i exit fx2 table. I tried just using close=1 for parameters, but it doesnt work, it loads another instance. Or if there is a better way. What are others doing? Thanks
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