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Everything posted by karl10247

  1. All, The current version of the slingfront plugin for kodi is incompatible with the latest v17.0 Krypton which is about to drop (im running beta 7). Kodi quickly disables it when fired up Please can we get an updated version to keep this app alive and useful? Thanks
  2. OK CRACKED IT!! I think in my account profile (accounts.slingbox.com) i had inadvertently changed my country to UK which is where my slingbox hardware is located. I am in Canada however. But get this, i set it to USA and bingo it worked again. In both IE and chrome i also went to slingbox.com and changed my region (top right) both to USA and the pages started loading fast again like before. Slingbox is a weird and temperamental service but now its working again im not touching anything!!!
  3. Its very strange, so i came to slingfront one day and when it fired up there was no slingbox to select in "View Slingboxes". I went into settings, "Edit Slingboxes" and it was still nowhere to be seen. So i then went to settings "Change Account" entered my details and got a point blank "Login Failed" Naturally i assumed the slingplayer web plugin no longer functioned but heres the weird things: I can login fine through the IE web interface (with an updated plugin), chrome web interface, windows desktop app, amazon fire tv box and ipad app All of the slingbox websites (main site, forum, anything) are all super slow to load from within my network now. Every other website is fast I tried the slingbox website from outside my netork and it loaded very fast I tried logging into slingfront from outside my network using a PC i have setup in another country and still got the "Login Failed" Checked my router settings, disabled firewall and URL filtering and still getting the same problems Pulling my hair out
  4. Looks like sling have updated their web interface to only allow the most recent version of the web plugin. I cant login through slingfront now, can anyone else confirm please?
  5. oh and by the way i have tried adjusting the program shortcut so that it loads with the fullscreen flag -fs still no joy
  6. I have remapped as best i can using the slingfron interface and the logitech harmony software. This is very difficult to do though as there are lots of hard coded keys you have to avoid. Its difficult to find vacant keys that fit in with the logitech harmony software and are not one of those hard coded in slingfront please fix
  7. Gents, I am using slingfront via the KODI plugin which essentially fires up slingfront on top of KODI. Slingfront opens fine and i am able to watch the feed with no issue (save the hardcoded keys in my last thread) except that after around 10 minutes of viewing the PROGRAMS screen of KODI appears on top of the slingfront feed. When this happens the KODI screen is all that can be seen but slingfront continues to play in the background (you can hear it). If i hit alt + f4 kodi shuts down and the slingfront screen is visible again. To cut a long story short i need something to keep slingfront on top when it is open Any ideas? Cheers
  8. Left my HTPC for a few hours..... low and behold slingfront is working again Definately an issue in there somewhere
  9. Been meaning to write this out for a while now but havent had time Incase anyone hasnt noticed there are many (possibly all) slingfront app commands which are "hard coded" to particular keyboard keys and cannot be changed. Even if you go into the keyboard config.ini and wipe out all key mappings these hard coded keys will still carry out the app functions. For example..... try pressing the left alt key and see what happens Now clear out your keyboard config.ini and run through the keyboard and see what happens This is a total and utter ball ache for setting up your keyboard commands, particularly if you use a logitech harmony and DONT WANT/USE SLINGFRONT APP COMMANDS but you want to use one of the assigned keys Please can you fix it so there are no hard coded keys???????
  10. I get this issue intermittently also. Im running W7 x86 and from time to time when i fire up slingfront it sits on the "Loading Slingboxes....." screen for a few minutes, then gets to the main menu where if i click to "View Slingboxes" my slingbox has been wiped out and there is nothing for me to press. Its doing it right now actually which is a ball ache..... tried restarting pc, slingfront, everything Ive had this before and it went away after a few days but who knows what will happen this time Anyone got any ideas?
  11. Any chance we can get slingfront to use the updated web plugin? Sometimes a few tweaks are needed to the slingbox configuration which is only accessible from the web client. Currently you would have to install the new plugin, change settings, reinstall slingfront and older web plugin just to make a change Cheers
  12. Hmmmm shame you can't reproduce, I just reinstated my whole HTPC and unfortunately the problem persists on a fresh install
  13. any update on this? is anyone else having the same issue? Seems pretty quiet this forum
  14. Nope same both ways, its as if certain functions "remember" their default bindings even when set to =0 so if you reallocate the default key to something else the original function is executed. Try setting anything to the "P" key e.g. play. press the button on your remote and it might turn your freesat/freeview box off like mine does.
  15. Slingfront app... whether i run it from XBMC or straight from dektop SlingFront.exe process continues to run on app exit (either via alt+f4 or "exit app") And if i enter/exit again there will be two SlingFront.exe processes still runnning and so on
  16. Actually i looked into this a bit further and discovered that several commands cannot just be left at =0 to prevent some sort of hard locked key working. For example with the play button above one of the power buttons (power, power on, power off) is linked to "P" however just setting all power commands to =0 will not prevent "P" from shutting down my Humax. To get around this i had to remap all three power commands to unused keys so that "P" would not power off my system. Hope this makes sense...... I discovered the same when i went to map rewind, skip forward and skip back which were all mapped to appquality settings and show/hide remote. Again the only way to use these keys was to remap all quality commands and the show/hide remote command to other keys not in use. Leaving them at =0 does not disable their function! Quite hard to explan that so hope you catch my drift
  17. All, Editted this after i posted.... just PLAY is the issue Spotted another problem whilst setting up my keyboard.ini. The issue is i set the play button to use the "P" key but instead of sending the play command it sends the power off command to my STB. Power, power on and power off are all unmapped. Changing the play command to another key fixes the problem but i would like to use "P" as that is the button i use in XBMC and would like to keep it the same. Using Slingbox 350 and Humax HDR-1000s Hope this can be fixed also Thanks
  18. Hi, Fantastic little front end, my hat is off to you completely bravo Currently there is a bug whereby the program does not close completely either through "exit" on the interface or alt+f4. The process still runs in the background and i need to close it manually. It is for this reason that focus isnt being restored to XBMC (when i kill the process it jumps back to XBMC) Can you fix please? Thanks
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