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  1. Pointing it to the virtual drive with a cue/bin mounted just takes me to the music player with the spinning dreamcast disk.Mounting a known working .cdi image to the virtual drive and pointing to it crashes the emulator. Pointing to the same .cdi image directly without using the virtual drive works fine.
  2. The program crashes outside gameex with LoadDefaultImage=1 in the nulldc.cfg so it's hard to test. Not sure how to try to load the image mounted on the virtual drive.
  3. Ooops,hang on I'll try
  4. Sorry, I should be more specific. When trying to load a bin/cue with null dc It doesn't work, I typically get an error in the back ground saying that the plugin (I believe it's the disk reading plugin) fails. So I was trying to convert the bin/cue to cdi format. However I haven't had much luck converting them. At best the image loads but doesn't boot to the game. It goes to a generic cd spinning screen.
  5. I try to load a bin/cue file and it crashes on me.
  6. Setting up my Dreamcast, cdi works fine, however I have a number that are bin/cue. From what I've read most people convert them to cdi format. I've got disc juggler and have tried mounting the bin/cue to a virtual drive using daemon tools lite and burning to cdi. However the images don't come out right. They seem to load up but the sega screen goes to the rotating cd screen. Is there a link that maybe address's this? Maybe the settings in disk Juggler aren't right. Thanks in advance.
  7. Disabling the Virtual Drive Loader using plugin manager solved the issue, I had enabled it in an earlier attempt before I changed the command line from Fusion.exe -scd -fullscreen "[-virtualdrive-]" to Fusion.exe -scd -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]". Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions!
  8. So after checking, it seems the Genesis and 32x have stopped working correctly. They sit at the "Produced under license ..." screen and just stays there.
  9. Thanks, I went through the whole thread, followed the suggested links and tried all the suggestions but no joy. I'm not sure why I'm having issues, I've installed DTLite and can run it outside GameEx without issue. I noticed when I run "Run Last Game" that the full path isn't present.. ie: "C:\Roms\Sega CD\Roms\Adventures Of Batman & Robin (USA)\Adventures Of Batman & Robin (USA).cue" just "Adventures Of Batman & Robin (USA).cue". So the command looks like Fusion.exe -scd -fullscreen "Adventures Of Batman & Robin (USA).cue" instead of having the full path. However my set up is consistent with my other fusion entries that work. My paths for all Fusion/Sega (Genesis,32x,Sega CD) Roms are .. C:\Roms\Sega 32X\Roms C:\Roms\Sega Genesis\Roms C:\Roms\Sega CD\Roms
  10. Hi, I've been reading through the forums trying to solve this issue for quite sometime. I'm using the fusion emulator and have got it running for Genesis, 32x. However the Sega CD has me stumped, I can run it from the command line from a cmd window and my command line entry in GameEx is Fusion.exe -scd -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]". I can see the games and choose them under GameEx, however when I go to play them it just goes to the default cd player window. The files are in .cue,.bin format. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. My Sega CD Fusion ini is as follows...
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