Okay, this is a question for Tom or Draco1962. Realistically I can make this work as it already has. The part I want to Run by Tom and Draco is, this may be something that others may be interested in, and: 1.are you okay with me doing a mod and posting it on the site as long as you are given due credit? Basically changing the Pinballx logo to a DrivingX logo and etc? I know if I mod it and never put it on the net, you would be okay with that, as it's free software.I wouldn't repack the software just put how I modded it and the issues with it I ran into. I don't want to peev people off. That's not my intention. 2. If you are okay with it, is there a way Tom to change the # of tables text which is obviously dynamic? Also let me say this. PinballX is a stable frontend that I have used on my pincab for 1.5 years. The simplicity and the rock solid base is what makes this a great front end. There are many out there looking for bells and whistles and there are also some looking for rock solid software that has a light footprint. Also the simplicity of not worrying about a theme or theme related artwork to have to mess with, just the games themselves. I'm not saying that you should change your direction. just having that option is nice. To be honest with you I would like to set all my machines up with a form of pinballx. I like continuity, but that's me. Whether that will happen or not is to be said later. Sorry to be so wordy (I too many beers) Jay