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Everything posted by chernandez

  1. Yeah it's updated now Thanks
  2. I didn't know where to post this But when I log on to gameEx to show what I recently played it show that I haven't been online in over 2400 months and also doesn't show recently played pinball table. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Chris
  3. got it just changed some of the script and now its recording PF_width:=1920PF_height:=1080BG_width:=1920BG_height:=1080DMD_width:=1022DMD_height:=430DMD_X:=3841DMD_Y:=71XDMD_X:=3841 ;Reference to Top Left of Playfield screen
  4. Vpm dmd? Is that vpinmame if so I have that in c:\vpinmame I did try 1965 in X but still nothing I didn't get a Chance to look in registry yet But all my led table show up on my 3rd screen
  5. Carny can you help me Ive been struggling on my dmd to record I cant not get to record my DMD Ive tried a couple things like changing the XDMD_X to XDMD_X:=3845 to show location of top left of dmd. Ive also deleted the "If DMD_width > 0" in script to see if that works and i cant get dmd to record the BG and PF record fine. Ive tried your new script and same thing Any suggestions would be helpful Thanks again for time put into this because it is nice to record BG and PF so easy Chris Heres My screenres.txt 192010801920108030010244333845690
  6. Download autohotkey http://www.autohotkey.com/ and install It will have a recorder Copy and paste carny priest script into it change .exe in script if different and any thing else Save it Then go to ahk that saved right click and compile And then you will have you exe also right click and set as administrator Also make sure you install ffmpeg
  7. I got it Windows was popping up a windows to run file and I didn't notice it till I alt tab And deselected show every time
  8. Been trying to get it to run on pinballx and not sure what I'm doing thats its not letting vp physmod5 load when i try in pinballx it just shows loading screen and never loads vp5 ill hit esc to get back to Px I have vp physmod5 compatibility mode and administrator rights checked hers my log and ini files any help would be appreciated thanks Chris log ini file
  9. Damn your good i had dmd next to pf switch around now it record them right now my only issue is some lag in video so i going to try to record them separate thanks chris
  10. Carny i have pf recording right but on my bg it records my dmd and half of bg and on my dmd it records part of bg my screenres.txt files is 1920 1080 1920 1080 3 0 0 1012 432 1927 73 0 i used bigboss's setdmd not sure if that would effect it do you have any ideas thanks chris
  11. Thanks will do I guess I should have Google that
  12. ok table plays but no recording where do i place the ffmpeg folder and thanks again
  13. that screen size was too small heres another one to show screen
  14. ok heres the script i used and heres what i get when i run command
  15. Carny I've been trying to get this script to work for me but i keep getting an error when vp loads up when vp loads up it gives me a load error box and say cant load C:\program files (86)\visual pinball\ tables\and the table name that i put in I only changed the script with Vpinball.exe over the one you had in there. Any ideas of what i should try thanks Chris
  16. It does look good running just need to figure out this script '>
  17. Pinballx crashes so my scripts aren't right
  18. My scripts are in 1st post look in the spoilers
  19. The scripts where from FTP I forgot who uploaded them I changed them to my system Also the sound.lwax I loaded dissolveinout.lwax in ledblinky and changed to sound.lwax
  20. Pinballx starting up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz3GqAUoW9Y&feature=youtu.be pinballx running with audio animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMztedyR76U&feature=youtu.be When i load a table and it shows desktop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i9iyVLnp1U&feature=youtu.be
  21. 1st off great FE program for pinball 2nd this is 1st time trying to get a bat file going so if you see anything wrong in them let me know now i have audio animation working during pinballx select screen my only issue is that when i start or end a table in VP it show my desktop screen loading table 1st my scripts for Start pinballx Stop Pinballx Start Visual Pinball Stop Visual Pinball My pinballx settings pinballx log as soon as i figure out how to post a video i will show a couple of them
  22. figured it out vp in video settings the windowed fullscreen was set to 1280x720 thats its max setting and i have my tv set to 1920x1080
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