Introducing a little PinballX PlugIn which i created. Called it ShineOn Here´s the "Background Story" for this PlugIn. It all begin at some evening when playing a bit with a friend and he asked "why is there no light action during the selection of a pinball table". I dig for infos about that but found nothing what makes me happy. So my decision was to try to created something for that. I´m not really a coder, i know a very little bit of VB and a bit in VP script so i have to learn how to accomplish my project. I started with the plugin template which was included in PinballX and found a solution that fit´s my requests. After a short time i got the things running and all was fine. But now there comes a new problem I´m so happy with my result and want to share it with others so they could use it if they want, but for this i have to let the user configure it to his personal setup. So i have to dig a bit more and learn some stuff and finally i got it all working and hope it´ll work for others too and the one or another one will use it. As is said above i´m not really a coder and there might be things which could be achieved in other ways but it works all and that´s what i want. Hope that it´ll work for others as good as for me. My plugin has 2 Parts. One is the plugin itself (ShineOn.dll) and the other is the Tool to do the configuration (ShineOn_Configuration_Tool.exe). I did this as i want to keep the main plugin simple and small for best performance. I have some ideas in my head which i will try to do in the future but i have to learn some more for that and for now i think it´s ready for the first public version. Features (for now): - LEDWiz livetesting (for testing ports and values) - Initial LEDWiz Settings (which will be active when loading the plugin, after game exit and after attract mode exit) - 8 Mini User adjustable Animation Sequences (5 steps each) and each Sequence can be addressed to a key - Attract Mode Sequence also User adjustable with 8 Steps where every time a table is changed during attract mode it moves a step on - Night Mode toggle (simply switch between "directoutputconfig.ini" & " directoutputconfig.nofeedback.ini" by pressing 2 settable keys at the same time) With this little PlugIn you´re able to get some nice little LED Sequences eg. a swipe from left to right & right to left with the 5 Flasher´s when browsing left or right. I put Tooltip´s on some button´s to describe the function a bit and it´s easier to understand. Working on a kind of Manual at the moment which is more time intensive than i thought. A short description is included in readme.txt so i hope it´s not to hard to get it working like you want. As i have PinballX running on my Pincab with win7x64 but without GameEx or other PlugIn´s i can test it only with this and with no other OS. Hope it´ll work for GameEx + XP or other plugin user´s also. If there anything you find what´s not working correct feel free to commit it and i´ll try to find a fix. And also if you have suggestions or wishes for this plugin feel free to submit and i´ll see what i can do Big Thanks to the following people Tom Speirs for the great PinballX App and PluginTemp Adultery for his Version of PlugIn Template (helped me a lot fixing some errors i got on the orig template) raphzahn for the INI File script (as this is all new to me and i can´t figure out how Adultery´s INIUtil works correct i used this simple one in my native language) RandyT, MikeQ & HeadKaze for the LEDWiz stuff and finally also THX to all the VP Coding Team, Table Builders & Modders, Graphic & 3D Artists, DOF Coder and config provider, B2S Maker and any other´s helping to keep Pinball alive Without all of you this would not be possible. If you don´t like it don´t use it That´s it have fun… EDIT: Updated to Version 1.1 After some troubles i managed it to get it working so now you have an alternative attract mode which will light up your led´s in the color matching the undercab RGB color of DOF. It´s not the best way to get it going but as the romname based version gives me alot errors and poorly in PinballX the IPDB numbers are not stored in the xlm´s i found no other way. As i do the lists manually there might be the one or another typo mistake but this can be corrected easy in the ShineOn_tables_colorlist.ini . I will update this list also from time to time if you don´t want to do it yourself. A Kind of manual is now also included as a PDF. If you´re updating from a prev version you have to do the configuration again but you can manually go to the ShineOn.ini and copy over the parts you want to keep to the new ini and it should work. greetz dup3d PS: here´s a screenshot of the configurator tool V1.0 initial releaseV1.01 Changelog:-Corrected a typo error in Tooltip-Added Buttons in the Sequence info area to test the sequences directly while in the configuration tool.-fixed the max intense Value from 48 to 49 (highest possible Value as found out) thx to the testersV1.1 Changelog:-fixed "Reset All" Button (Vscrollbar issue)-Added individual Delay Time for each of the 8 Animation Sequences (Now the Delay Time is not global anymore for all 8 sequences for more flexibilaty)-Added alternative Attract Mode - Now you can assign your LED´s to Ports and when PinballX is in Attract Mode it´ll change the color´s depending on which table is shown (based on the PinballX Game Description)As my plugin is larger now than the upload max i have uploaded it to another spot so here´s the link to dl