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Everything posted by swisslizard

  1. At the moment We can only configured PBX to start a table directly or to show the menu when the start button is pressed. Would it be possible to implement a extra key input which opens the menu even if PBX is configured to start the table directly!
  2. The struct with the game info which I found in the plugin template doesnt have a rom variable. The struct is also different from the one found in the thread you have mentioned in your previous post. My struct does have some highscore tags which are not found in the other struct. Thats why I am a bit lost here. Regarding the actions of pbx: You have mentioned a menu change event. This event does not exist in the template I have used. Does it exist in pbx to?
  3. Thanks for your answers. 3. DOF is built to trigger effects based on events in the software using it. Therefore it is helpfull if DOF can learn as much as possible about the things that are going on in the hosting app (in this case pbx). this means that I'm looking for a way to get information about things like the wheel shifting left or right, pageing left right and if thats possible also about other actions that occur in pbx (eg. context menu open/close). So if any examples exist how to get that info, I would be glad to have a look. 5. I have also read about the highscore template, but it is not yet clear to me how to access that rom variable. Also here a code example or other info would be most helpfull.
  4. @Adultery: You dont need to create a C# template. I've already created something along these lines and just wanted to compare the logic.
  5. Hi After some initial trouble, I have managed to build a plugin for PBX which can call the DirectOutput framework (DOF). Now I need to start working on the details: First of all, I'm still not sure if I'm really working with the latest version of the plugin template. My code is based on the vb.net plugin template which is installed with PinballX 1.9. Is this the latests version?Is there a C# version of the plugin template? Where? In my install there is no such template.Is there a way, how a plugin can determine whats actually going on in PBX? I'm looking for a way to find out about events like Quit, Left, Right, Page Left, Page Right, Pause, Select, Exit Emulator, Instructions (Basically the Actions you define in the Input Settings). I'm aware of Event_Input, but this does only return the keys resp. buttons, but not the action which is associated with them.When does the Event_GameExit fire? After the emulator has been quit or before that? I need some kind of signal, after the exit of the emulator.I'm still not sure if there is a way how to get the rom name of a table in the Event_GameSelect and Event_GameRun methods? If it is possible, where can I find that rom name? The data structure I receive for these event there is no field for the rom name.Thanks for any hints and help. All the best Swisslizard / Tom
  6. @Adultery: At least in my install the is no c# template, but nevermind I just got my first C# plugin working
  7. Ok, finnaly The Function Logger plugin is working I had somehow manage to f...up the config file of PBX. After I deleted the ini and redid the configs everything worked as expected. Even better, my first experiments building my own plugin have been successful as well. I guess I'll convert the plugin template to C# next, since I feel more comfortable with it.
  8. Hi I got some problems getting started with plugins. Havent got a clue yet whats going wrong? As a first step I have installed the function logger plugin, enabled it in the plugin manger and started pinballx. However after I exit Pinballx I cant find any log file or anything similar regarding the function calls. The log file of PBX also doesnt contain any information regarding plugins apart from a line saying plugins loaded. I'm running Pinballx in XP 32bit. Any hints? Thanks and best regards
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