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  1. If it helps as an alternative, I set up pinball (future, visual pinball, zen, etc) in PinballX then I use GameEx to load PinballX. When I exit PinballX it goes back to GameEx. This just keeps the two systems separated for maintenance stuff, but seamless for users playing the Arcade machine.
  2. Also this is the option line for DL I used (but figure you already got it) -framefile "F:\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\lair\lair.txt" And I couldn't get Dragon's Lair 2 to work either.
  3. Here is the command line I use with Daphne vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -nohwaccel Hope this helps. And yes, I believe that Dragons Lair WAS a lframefile issue that I tried and tried to fix, but finally gave up lol.
  4. May not help but I've got all Daphne games EXCEPT Dragon's Lair to work. Is this the same for you? I can't remember why DL didn't load but gave up lol. As fir all others it was the command line arguments that were the issue. If you need I can look into my settings when I get a chance.
  5. Buzzin69


    Hey guys. Thanks to the upcoming tourney i am trying to get name to record inp files. I can do so from the Mame64UI, however I was wondering if there is a hotkey I can use in-game. Have tried the record video option, but do not like that very much. I will continue googling but so far no hotkey help 😞 Thanks for any help you guys can provide. P.s. Would switching to Mame plus help????
  6. In my case, I am running CPW on 2nd Display and wanted MM on 3rd.
  7. Made it to the EXACT halfway point in the standings in 2 weeks Now to grind up a few spots
  8. Settings as per OP Score= 1,592,430 Initials BBS
  9. Actually, I have PinballX setup WITHIN GameEx so, all Pinball is played through PinballX. As for Pinball System.... Visual Pinball hands down. Pinball FX2 is to "busy" and Future pinball just doesn't do it for me Favorites... All time is TAXI (memories), Attack From Mars, Monster Bash, and Bride of Pinbot
  10. good to know
  11. Funny you should ask... I never thought to try till playing this game. But I mapped it to the "wheel" it worked fine. Will work well with Sprint. But games that have auto centring (like Cruin' World) may have some issues. I suppose you can compensate it manually, but would take some practice I'm sure. I thought of using the trackball as well, but thought with the y-axis it would be more difficult... perhaps I will try that as well
  12. not bad, it's not as smooth as I would have hoped, but haven't really had time to play with adjustments. The thing is, I need to find a game trackball that I was real good at so I can get a better "feel". I find that with the homemade ball, I need to remember to apply even pressure and speed. The OEM trackball on the actual cabs allow you to vary it a lot more. Like a spin or flick of the ball would be the same.
  13. Settings as per OP Score= 46,250
  14. Thanks HS 😉
  15. Ok, so it seems when playing on the arcade the "Wheel" self centers. Since I am using a spinner, it was constantly scrolling through the letters on the initials stage. Now that I realized that..... Score=18,397,430 BTW, I like this game, so expect to be updating my score soon Score= 19,309,560 That's better
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