Ok, thought I'd give a little progress reoprt: First of all, I have the steam version of Pinball FX2, all tables purchased and no hacks/alternate settings. Nukelauncher detected all of the tables, my xml file has all of the tables and my tables are places in the 'standard' locations on the grid. When I select a Pinball FX2 table from PinballX the game software loads up--every time. When I want to close (I use the 'kill' setting) the software closes and I go back to the PinballX frontend--every time. However, when it come to actually going to a specific table, it almost always fails: About half of the time it goes to the football box and stops there, not opening any table. About 40% of the time it will go the football table no matter what table I choose in Pinballx. The other 10% it will load a different table, almost always the wrong one, and I can find no reason why it does this. Changing the position setting from 12 to 1 in the ini files does nothing at all-it still goes to the football table. On rare occasion, the correct table actually loads, but never twice in a row, and I think now it was probably dumb luck. I have started the ini from scratch several times and have tried to re-sync manually but that also doesn't help. The only thing I can think of trying that I haven't tried is changing the table names in the ini and xml files to match the pinball table names exactly as they appear in the Pinball FX2" data_stream" folder--has anyone tried this? Anyway, I think that this is a valuable tool since it DOES allow you to navigate from PinballX to the main table grid and back, but right now it doesn't seem as though it can be depended upon to navigate to your selected table. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.