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About boiydiego

  • Birthday 04/26/1983

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  • Interests
    visual pinball ,racesimulators , cod

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  1. in pbx for the vp9 tables there is a highscorelist you can see in the information tab in menuscreen but vpx tables dont show how fix this ? also i have paid for gameex online but when i was online yesterday it doenst say on the gameex profile it says 14 days ago https://online.gameex.com/user.aspx?id=26522 what can be the problem ? thx in advance
  2. i can't seem to get the pinmame dmd on the 3rd lcd monitor it keep appearing on playfield monitor , in pbx my monitors are set 1 playfield , 2 backglass , 3 lcd dmd monitor , also in pbx setup window/full screen is set to full screen , use pinmame in frontend is set yes ,fullscreen windowed set as yes, dmd is enabled setting also enable also my dmd postions are set like in vpinmame , if i choose windowed mode i can see the dmd on playfield monitor what can be the problem ? pinballx.ini , log.txt , picture of displaysettings are attached PinballX.ini log.txt
  3. iam running now a close futuredmd and run futuredmd as start/close programs , i would like ledclear.bat to be executed when exiting vp10 table to pbxmenu , because i have problem that vp10 or pbx doesn't close dof/lights after exiting , vp9 table exit fine in pbx with dof cutting but vp10 tables not lights stay lit
  4. if i only knew how to make one that would be great
  5. hi , can there be 2 launch before table /launch after table working paths and executables commands in pbx setup ? thx in advance
  6. it indeed will need updating ..
  7. i think that indeed it happend after i updated pbx..
  8. ok did the above and indeed thats the problem i dissabled the plugin but what can be causing this tom ?
  9. so you sugest to dissable pinemhi plugin then start pbx again not ?
  10. no when i close the error then it goes back to pinballx menu
  11. what can be the problem draco1962 ??
  12. oke new files uploaded with updated pbx 1.99 , still same problem .. , also the log when the problem happens attached . log.txt PinballX.ini log when crash happens.txt
  13. hi pinballx crashes with pinemhi error when returning to table selectscreen in pbx , screenshot attached of error , also changelog is attached , and .ini , current on 1.97 but dont see the need of updating to 1.99 if i see the changelog .. does somebody know how to fix this ? thx in advance log.txt PinballX.ini
  14. also had pinemhi crashes on some tables with closing the table after playing and returning to pbxmenu , found out there was a folder HIscores within that folder there where hi- files remove that folder totally and problem was fixed
  15. right after i posted found the problem , in pbxsetup i had to first enable pbfx2 system and then save and close the setup ,entered back in pbx setup and back dissable pbfx2 system and now double pbfx2 tables are gone problem fixed
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