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  1. Hi, Can PBX recorder record 4k tables? I just noticed that it's only recording 1/4 of my screen. I'm assuming a 1080 section of the entire screen. Any help would be appreciated!

    Thanks, Frank

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  2. You want to record the virtual dmd at 128x32 pixels since that is what PIN2DMD size is There are also real dmd videos available on the PinballX ftp site
  3. Share a link to the VP9 AFM version you downloaded. All the FS VP9 tables were created with Windows set to Landscape mode. You can try opening the table. click on Backdrop and then in the Backdrop Options/Color&Formatting, change XY rotation to 270. If you need more help on tweaking this then its best to ask on the vp forums
  4. Did you put the fx2 media also in the visual pinball media folder?
  5. +1 for any ability to have Start table button and separate Menu support. Either short and long press or 2 separate button assignments
  6. I would not want it to loop but I can understand why some might. While browsing if I stay on a table long enough for the audio clip to end that means I havewalked away from the cab
  7. Pinballx settings. Disable "auto position DMD"
  8. You could try setting the backglass height and width to 1x1 so it won't really be visible Now that there is an extra monitor, topper, supported, you might be able to do what you are trying to do. Set Backglass monitor to you #2 monitor in your diagram and the topper monitor as #3 in your diagram. Use pbxrecorder to record 2 videos each with 1/2 of the backglass being recorded
  9. +1 on a separate launch and menu button support.
  10. +1 I was just thinking about this feature request also Pinballx currently has a toggle setting which supports one or the other, either launch with no menu or launch with menu. I would like to have both options available at the same time. Simple Launch button for guests and the menu button for advanced users
  11. Thanks for adding topper support. Can't wait to try the video support also The is a topper upload section at vpuniverse with probably 100 examples already. Thanks to all who created them I use wheel logos for now for the missing topper images
  12. Did you install the LAV filter codec in the pinballx main page? do table images work?
  13. Not showing when browsing tables or after starting the table from pinballx? Dow the b2s show up if you play table directly from vpx?
  14. if you enabled color for your real dmd, then you probably need to put the videos in the /real dmd color videos folder
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