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murve33 last won the day on February 20 2015

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    Music, Nature, and Old-School Videogames

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  1. Been doing some MAME house cleaning and came by to check on my Reactor score. X is my favorite Metal Slug, but I sadly can't take the crown. Some amazing scores here. 955,040 - DLN
  2. Thank you very much for the info. VBA is very new to me, but I think I'd be capable of at least making a batch file. I'll give it a try soon.
  3. I'll use Puyo Pop as my rom example for simplicity's sake. So I have an emulator setup for GBA games using the Visual Boy Advance Emulator, and it works fine. Now I'd like to make another emulator setup for 2-Player Game Boy Advance Games. To make this easier I'd like GameEx to open two instances of VBA and have each load the rom necessary. Is this possible? All I've been able to do is open VBA running Puyo Pop and another instance of VBA w/o loading Puyo Pop (Advanced Emulator Setup > Also Launch "VBA.exe"). Bonus Insane Question: Is it possible to also have the first instance start a LAN server and the second instance connect to said server? For example. 1. VisualBoyAdvance.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" [startServer LocalHost] 2. VisualBoyAdvance.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" [Connect LocalHost]
  4. Woah, it's about time. I'll try to devote some time to beating them soon. I'd like to break 400k anyway.
  5. Dang it, I didn't see this thread. There are some super awesome games in this comp. I had never played Intrepid before, and Shock Troopers is practically as good as Metal Slug. I'm pretty terrible at almost all of the games (I've submitted a score for all of them at this point) but I miraculously still have top score at Gekisou.
  6. I said I wouldn't post again, but I'm sooooo close to beating rtkii on the leaderboard, so here I am. 12,780
  7. Finally got in the swing of it. I'd tried a few times and couldn't come close to my first score. Too bad there's little competition for either game this month. 83,340 This game is just plain cool. The level design is so varied. And too bad I'm only king of the bonus games. Ain't gonna get a banner from them
  8. My first and will be my only try. This is easily my least-favorite classic arcade game. I couldn't figure out how to type in initials so my score probably won't be accepted anyway. Oh well. 11,565
  9. I personally always hear "Boner" which adds to the hilarity.
  10. Might as well get on the board. 62,031
  11. Woah, definitely. I'd feel a lot better shelling out $170 vs. $200. And nice thread; I did a search but never ran into that one. If only those single-player fightsticks had a spinner built-in. I'd just get two of those and a Kensington Trackball. Oh well. Tankstick it is (once it's on sale).
  12. Wow, that is an amazing build! And nice link. I really didn't want to have to drill/saw any holes or make major modifications, but replacing one of the buttons with a spinner definitely sounds doable. Edit: Oh dang, I would have to do some drilling or else the spinner would get in the way. Why would XGaming put 6 buttons on top and 2 on the bottom? I'll still probably go with the Tankstick, but if there's still a better alternative I'm all ears (eyes).
  13. Sup GameEx. So, I haven't gotten around to building a cab yet (I'm moving soon), but I'd at least like to get a bad-ass control panel in the very near-future. I've been using a mishmash of keyboards, mice, controllers, and flight sticks for all of my gaming needs, and I think it's time I invest in something a little more arcade-appropriate. The most likely contender is the X-Arcade Tankstick, since it has a ton of buttons, two joysticks, a trackball, is relatively affordable, and a few of the guys in our Highscore Competitions have and enjoy theirs. My only issue with purchasing this would be that I wouldn't have 2 dial controllers, or by the looks of it, any way to add any to it in the future. My ideal controller would have at least 6 + 6 buttons (for fighting games), 2 joysticks, 1 trackball, 2 dials, be USB, and under $350. Any leads?
  14. Woo, finally broke 20k. I'll stick with the NES version. 21,900
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