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  1. An external link could be apreciate for those like me without download access.... Thanks
  2. Thanks Draco but useless to me without ftp access
  3. Yes sure I'm already set for that
  4. Look inside "settings.xml" located in Documents\Zaccaria_Pinball\ ....the last loaded table name can be find. example: <string name="selected_table_name" value="table_clown"/> another example: <string name="selected_table_name" value="table_circus"/> You can clearly see "clown" and "circus" So I use to modify this XML via ahk to force the table I want to be loaded and when I start Zaccaria the needed table is loaded here is my setting file with 4 view adapted to my cab need. camera 4,5,6,7 and here is the list of table names: timemachine locomotion devilriders pinballchamp pinballchamp83 farfalla blackbelt robot hotwheels soccerkings rapids stargod mcastle ewf clown fworld sshuttle fmountain wsports zankor pchampion mexico diamonds mstar spooky sphoenix strike aerobatics circus combat moonflight luckyfruit universe supersonic cinestar wqueen nautilus redshow Here is the code (Need to be compiled) I use to patch "Settings.xml" from inside PinballX "Run Before" require "Display.exe" or any other command line tool to rotate screen. ;--------Run Before (Need to be compiled)----Start------ #SingleInstance force SetTitleMatchMode 2 DetectHiddenWindows On DetectHiddenText, On SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% table = %1% If (table = "") { table = supersonic run Display.exe /rotate:90 sleep 2000 rotate=90 } ;--------- Patch name from Pinballx to settings.xml ------------ FixedLine =<string name="selected_table_name" value="table_%table%"/> Settings_File=%A_MyDocuments%\Zaccaria_Pinball\settings.xml Settings= NewSettings= FileRead, Settings, %Settings_File% Loop, parse, Settings, `n, `r { IfInString, A_LoopField, "selected_table_name" { NewSettings=%NewSettings% %FixedLine%`r`n } Else { NewSettings=%NewSettings%%A_LoopField%`r`n } } FileMove, %Settings_File%, %Settings_File%.bak, 1 FileAppend, %NewSettings%, %A_MyDocuments%\Zaccaria_Pinball\settings.xml Sleep 2000 ExitApp ;--------Run Before (Need to be compiled)----End------ From here run your zaccaria ;--------Run After (Need to be compiled)----Start----- then after you have to compile another ahk to use from "Run After" inside pinballX zaccaria setup run Display.exe /rotate:0 ExitApp ;--------Run After (Need to be compiled)----End------ settings.xml
  5. If you donate only ???
  6. Pinball and nothing else... =P

  7. Well...Should I considerer that I'm the only one who have this issue? Tom are you around hehe
  8. Need to know if their is a way to fix my problem? Currently I use for VP external audio mp3 located inside "Table Audio" folder and all work properly that way until PinballX find a "Table Video with audio" and at the same time and "Audio Table" mp3 at this time both of them playing and it's really annoying. So I tried to disable "sound in Video" from PinballX options then it's fine for VP but when I select Pinball FX2 then video table that use to have sound will not work until I re-enable "sound in Video" from PinballX options. Is there a way to set better priority to detect if external sound exist from "Table Audio" then stop table sound from Table video or anything like that or set sound specification by project so VP, FP, FX2, etc etc have their own setting sound and priority. Thanks in advance to DEV team to take care of this minor option that really need to be added. Regards
  9. Gigalula

    2.0 pinballx

    Only small issue that I can see is when I select a table and see the menu with "Play game" if I press esc to change my selection the BG turn black.... The only way to get BG B2S back is to select another table. Regards
  10. Gigalula

    2.0 pinballx

    Back to computer I will test it also and get back to you.
  11. Gigalula

    2.0 pinballx

    Hummm ok I see now my problem with my setup is simple and if you can add few line of code to you b2s detection it will work flawlessly for me and probably many like me I use to have many version of table named differently that use Game Name: F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) (JPSalas, Rosve, chinzman93)(2.1)(FS)(VP99)DayMod.vpt F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) (JPSalas, Rosve, chinzman93)(2.1)(FS)(VP99)NightMod.vpt F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) (VP92)(FS_MOD)(1.0).vpt In some case when directb2s is the same for all table then I use "description" name for directb2s so it use the same file for all tables without the need to have useless clone file: F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987).directb2s ;---------------- <game name="F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) (JPSalas, Rosve, chinzman93)(2.1)(FS)(VP99)DayMod"> <description>F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987)</description> <manufacturer>Williams</manufacturer> <year>1987</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> <game name="F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) (JPSalas, Rosve, chinzman93)(2.1)(FS)(VP99)NightMod"> <description>F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987)Night</description> <manufacturer>Williams</manufacturer> <year>1987</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> <game name="F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) (VP92)(FS_MOD)(1.0)"> <description>F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987)</description> <manufacturer>Williams</manufacturer> <year>1987</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> ;---------------- If you can add detection of "full table name" first and if not find add another detection for "description" name that will be perfect for me and probably many other that use to have same kind of setting Thanks for 2.02 in advance .... Regards
  12. Thanks I definitely opted for your wheel set... It's looking good
  13. Any of you made a trick to get "LEDWIZ + Contactors" and "freescale nudging" to work with Pinball FX2?
  14. Yep I think you are right Aero is for some reason part of the problem. Bahh... with this small script it's doing what I need so it's not really a problem currently but should be nice to find out if it's fixable without the need of script. could be less pain in tha ass for other users that simply don't know what is Aero hehehe. things that I would like implemented in next version of Pinballx 1: When "S" is used for screen grab simply check if the file exist in Playfield imagine if not dump in the right place if YES dump in temp folder same for "B" and backglass 2: while in selection menu allow a key to rotate picture and fix the picture itself permanently. Or at least have a config part to chose the grab rotation for of each them Playfield and backglass 3: Ability to do video grab of PLayfield and Backglass without the need to use tool such Frap or Camtasia 4: Ability to select only the 1 Pinball list for example if I want only VP or only FP or only Unit3D without the need to create a copy of the list desired like when I want only "Visual Pinball" I have to copy "Visual Pinball.XML" to "Only Visual Pinball.XML" and select this unique list from the menu. (maybe there is another way to do it but I don't find it !) Sorry for my miserable English writing
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