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  1. Yes, there was a DB corruption and I currently just don't have the time to fix it. At some point, I'll revive this project, but given it hasn't gotten much traction, it's not on my immediate TODO. I might repurpose it once VPE comes out.
  2. Apologies for the downtime, should be up again now.
  3. Hey, thanks for your upload. Just came back from holidays. Will have a look tomorrow hopefully!
  4. Try again in 24h, the number of seconds shown is weird.
  5. 556 downloads

    Go to VPDB.io What if there was a platform that would make it possible to download a game and everything related in one single click? A platform that comes with a tool that downloads and names content like it should be while respecting the author's work? That takes under a minute to set up? Something a newcomer would be instantly comfortable with? A platform where you can browse online, that is fast, open and beautiful, where searching for games is a matter of milliseconds and everything related to a game is in one place? A platform that is so simple to use that preloading cabs or burning DVDs wouldn't even make sense because it would be too cumbersome in comparison? A tool that would assist table authors in publishing their great work, where multiple authors can maintain a release and are properly credited? A tool that sits on your cab, is connected to the platform and updates games when the user tells it to? Even remotely, or even automatically as soon as the author of a game releases a new version? VPDB aims to be that platform. VPDB stands for Virtual Pinball Database. It can do many things you might even once have dreamt about. It's technology coming from members of the virtual pinball community who happen to be software engineers in professional life. It's a platform that makes it fun again to upload, browse, download, rate and comment on content created by this beautiful community. We've coded this up from scratch in our spare time and offer it as a free platform. The code is open source, that means everybody can install VPDB in their own environment and tinker with it. We also offer a public and documented API, giving access to our database to any third party applications you might come up with. The reason we've done this is because we believe that innovation comes from providing openly the tools necessary so they can be improved and live on. In such a vibrant community like this, where people provide hard and beautiful work at no cost, we think this is specially important.
  6. Alright, thanks. @scutters Should be fixed now!
  7. I have https://www.gameex.info/forums as base URL. It's https://forums.gameex.com/forums now?
  8. Sounds like that would be why. What's the old and new location of the URL?
  9. Huh, you're right. @Tom Speirs any idea? Did you update or replace the OAuth plugin?
  10. The problem with the date was just that Gtxjoe entered the wrong date. So that was quickly fixed. And comments on long threads are now collapsed, and you can now edit them!
  11. Yes, I noticed too. Will look into it! I'll also look into handling comments better. Thanks for the feedback!
  12. Yes the download dialog currently sucks and I'll revamp it soon!
  13. Thanks! I actually don't think many people have noticed yet!
  14. Well, this is the web, PinballX isn't Maybe bake a GLTF viewer into PinballX, given the data is available. Not sure how it would work with the controls though. Yes, Popeye is the one of the table with issues. The problem is that in general there is a lot of z-fighting going on due to meshes posed on top of each. One solution is to basically pick one randomly, that worked for all tables but Popeye. It's actually a hard problem because you first need to identify which faces overlap, and then which one to prioritize. Both are hard problems, because the can only overlap partially, and then there isn't really a heuristic which one is supposed to go on top. Anyway, I might be able to solve this at least for the playfield mesh, because I can do more educated guesses about which to render.
  15. Hey guys, I was working on analyzing VPX files in a more efficient way, and while going through the primitive meshes I thought hey why not export them to something readable by the browser?The first prototype was quick, but getting all the remaining table elements as well (ramps, surfaces, triggers, spinners, flippers, lights, and many more) finally took more time than I thought. Then I had to work to get the 100+MB VPX data down to something under 10MB preferably so it wouldn't take ages to load. Thanks to PNG crushing and Draco compression, the model files are now under 10MB in average. Finally, the 3D model needed to be displayed in the browser, preferably with somewhat dynamic lighting, textures and proper materials. Three.js is one of the best frameworks for doing exactly that, and now, when browsing a release on VPDB, you have another "3D View" button below the download button where you can explore the table in 3D. It's pretty awesome because it allows you to appreciate the author's attention to detail and explore parts of the table you usually don't see. You can also play with the lights and toggle every type of playfield element. There are a few more things to do in my mind like bake shadow maps into the model, play with environment maps, and who knows, maybe one day we can hook this up to a ROM simulator. Enjoy!
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