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  1. Based on my estimation, we need support for about 75 Company Logos in total. Is this possible to add?
  2. I know this problem was brought up before..... but is there any way to increase the number of Company Logos that can appear on the menus? There currently is a limitation to this and it would be nice if this could be increased so more manufacturer logos could be displayed for various tables. If the limit was around 70 logos, that should be sufficient to handle anything that might come up. My current logo list is now at 65 and I have added a few myself that were not present in the Company Logo original installation folder but I don't even use all the logos that were originally there so in my estimation, you must have the limitation set at somewhere around 50 to 55 logos and when this is exceeded, entire manufacturer categories of tables will have no logos. Thanks.
  3. Yes, I just noticed if I deleted two unused company logos, I now can see Williams and Zaccaria appearing. This is disappointing because I have added some logos that were missing in the bunch just to make things look more consistent and professional. Obviously there is a maximum limit.
  4. I have noticed that Williams and Zaccaria Company Logos won't display on the wheel table overlay and even though I have these two png logo files in my PinballX\Media\Company Logos folder. I have checked the png files and they are correct and not blocked in any way and even tried switching them out with new ones and nothing works. My game xml files are correct and the spellings of Williams and Zaccaria all match and are spelled correctly. PinballX - Version 2.02 is what I am running. Below are two examples. Manufacturer is correct on both and the logos have the exact same file names. Why won't they display and replace the default which is the picture of a "pinball"? For that matter, ratings don't display either. Thanks <game name="Algar (Williams 1980)"> <description>Algar (Williams 1980)</description> <manufacturer>Williams</manufacturer> <year>1980</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> <game name="Circus (Zaccaria 1977)"> <description>Circus (Zaccaria 1977)</description> <manufacturer>Zaccaria</manufacturer> <year>1977</year> <type>EM</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>7.2</rating> </game>
  5. I have assigned the Key Assignment setup "Pause" key to this function in order to pause during a game. What is happening is that when attempting to Pause, this causes the screen to go black and it is impossible to return to the game because the window that allows this is hidden behind a black screen. This window that is hidden is the one that gives three options: Exit Game, Return to Game, and Information. The hidden window can be revealed by a CTRL ALT DELETE and shutting down the pinball game itself which leaves me back at the wheel but with the three option window sitting on top of it. Setup has the option to show ratings when set to "Yes" but the ratings do not appear when using the wheel. Shouldn't the ratings be coming from the XML database file in the field named "rating" as in the example below? Thanks for taking a look at these issues. <game name="Agents 777 (Game Plan 1984)"> <description>Agents 777 (Game Plan 1984)</description> <manufacturer>Game Plan</manufacturer> <year>1984</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>10</rating> </game> I would be very much interested in PinballX having a better filtered menu selection as follows: 70's Tables 80's Tables 90's Tables 2000's Tables (the Modern Tables Category) EM Tables SS Tables Bally Tables Data East Tables Gottlieb Tables Stern Tables Williams Tables Other Company Tables (not originals type OG, or the 5 listed above) All Company Tables (everything not coded as type OG) Original tables (those that have a type OG in the type line of the xml database) High Rating Tables (those rated 7 and above as user defined in the rating field of the XML file)
  6. I have set up a temporary upload on my own ftp site for testing the Faeton table that runs a back glass that is UVP. Go here and download it: www.nyx.net/~sscrivan/UVP-TABLE-TEST.zip There is a readme pdf file so you can set it up the way I have it and see if you get a VP error window or if the UVP server does not shutdown. Thanks
  7. I forgot to mention, I am now updated to version 1.92 PinballX and am experiencing the error described in the above post.
  8. Ok, so in order to fully rule out other problems, I have tested my memory and hardware, and reinstalled all software. I have even upgraded to the next version of VPINBALL991. I have installed a script that closes UVP as well. Even with a script that closes UVP, I get the error: VPinball991.exe - Application memory error window (with or without the script, it doesn't matter). Only tables running UVP generate this error when a table is closed from PinballX. It is true I have an older CPU and an older XP machine (3 gb of memory) with a good graphics card running PinballX, but this problem of just closing VP without an error upon exit back to the menu should not take a super fast machine. There are no errors to be found in the PinballX log file because it is VPINBALL that is generating the error window and somehow it doesn't like the way PinballX is shutting it down when the UVP server is running as well. This error problem started after graduating from 1.7? versions of PinballX. PinballX is still far superior to Hyperpin and when configured correctly along with certain XP services and features turned off, I do get acceptable performance even on my older machine.
  9. This problem was also in version 1.91. My company logo for Zaccaria have always displayed when I was last using version 1.7??. Now it no longer displays even though all other logos do. It is not a defective png file as I have even tried replacing the png (for example renaming a Williams logo that I know works as Zaccaria). No luck. It is not the png but it is PinballX. What I am thinking is that since Zaccaria is the very last logo in the "Company Logos" folder, PinballX can't display the last one in the alphabet.
  10. Unfortunately some tables don't have a B2S backglass created for them so I am pretty much stuck with UVP on those particular ones. The other reason for using UVP is because UVP takes less resources so even if I wanted to use a B2S and considering my machine does not support two graphics cards (one for the table and one for the backglass), I have to install my tables so that I don't have ball and graphics stutter by picking the installation that makes this possible. There are some cases in which a particular B2S has not been programmed correctly to enable all the necessary scoring elements but the UVP version does. In some of these cases I have had to use UVP on these as well. For these reasons, I don't see UVP ever going away. The case for using UVP on older equipment will remain especially considering that B2S consumes huge amounts of resources when using a single video card due to it's flashing lights and solenoids, etc, and even turn this down doesn't help in many cases. The delay I am experiencing is the the time it takes for the table image and backglass to appear while rotating the wheel. If I rotate and then stop at a particular table and then time how long it takes, sometimes I find that it will first attempt to draw images that I just passed by before drawing the one I am stopped at. This could actually be many seconds for it to finally catch up and draw the correct table and backglass.
  11. For now I have found a remedial solution to this problem of windows error reporting popping up when exiting a UVP table. I have completely turned off error reporting in Windows XP, however, if sometimes UltraVPServer.exe doesn't shutdown, this would still be a problem.
  12. Visual Pinball990 has encountered a problem and needs to close is the error I receive on all UVP back glass tables when exiting from VP in PinballX. The standard Microsoft reporting error window will pop up when exiting a table. I have tested 1.91 on every other type of back glass configuration and it affects only UVP. This is disappointing because I was previously running version 1.7? and had none of these problems when coupled with my own scripts used to close back glasses, but this version creates this error and I was forced to install this version because the previous version expired. Attached is my log file but I it doesn't reveal any errors from within PinballX itself. Brave Team (Industria 1985) is the last table played that crashed VP upon exit. It crashes every UVP table however and the UVP server may or may not close out if I wait long enough for the Microsoft error Window to close on its own and then return back to the wheel menu. I have verified this via CTRL ALT DELETE. The other problem that is a bit of a disappointment is that I don't really have a powerful machine and I had it running really nicely previously but now I have to deal with a slightly bigger delay when rotating the wheel. I have everything unnecessary turned off in the set up. There is only the standard wheel logo, fixed back glass/table along with music files for each entry on the wheel and nothing more enabled. log.txt
  13. At this point I have had to roll back to 1.73 version because even if I did get another game pad to work with 1.78, it would not solve the problem of the Microsoft error window popping up when exiting out of a VP table (this happens with no game pad even). With 1.73, I don't have the Microsoft error window problem and I have checked my windows event log just to make sure no errors are being logged. 1.73 is perfectly stable with my own scripts to make sure things close. Although with 1.73, PinballX does crash to windows when closing a program with my game pad attached.
  14. Unfortunately even with every script and plug-in turned off, the Gamepad still crashes PinballX and it goes to windows. My pincab is totally stripped to bare essentials with only the absolute necessities of XP running. Nothing runs in the background except windows and hardware services and no additional hardware or services to the outside world. The other problem I am having is most of the time when I close out of a VP table, the windows error reporting program dwwin.exe, pops up its window to send an error to Microsoft stating that VP closed inappropriately. I have tried everything to make this problem stop even assigning other keys to close the emulator. Nothing works. These errors do not happen when I am running a table outside of PinballX so something is closing the table inappropriately. When closing a table outside of VP, a mini window pops up asking to resume game, debug window, or quit to editor. How is PinballX dealing with this two stage process? If VP is the parent process and the mini window it forked is its child process, is it possible that closing the parent process creates this error? In my way of thinking, PinballX needs to send a "Q" to quit to the editor and then kill the editor that is running the table.
  15. I have spent about 30 hours testing and trouble shooting possible causes for this problem and can't find any user solutions. I am attaching my log and configuration file. The problem is this: when my Gravis Gamepad Pro is plugged into my USB port, exiting a table or game does not return me to PinballX but instead crashes to windows with a directx error logged. This crash to windows will occur for every system (VP, FP, Mame, and all other personal additions). When the game pad is unplugged, the problem goes away. This problem is not exclusive to just version 1.78. I run PinballX on Windows XP SP3 in a pincab with an IPAC board connected and keyboard (just added the gamepad as well). Recently I installed Mame so I wanted a game controller that would be useful for this and the game pad works fine for Mame as long as I am not running it in PinballX. Here are a list of tests I have run and none of these options worked: 1. Unplugged my IPAC board to see if multiple devices cause a conflict. 2. Disabled all plugins and personal scripts. 3. Ran PinballX with and without Xpadder operational. 4. Reinstalled all software including the latest Directx version for XP 5. Temporarily ran a virus scan to make sure I have no viruses. No virus software is permanently installed to disrupt gaming. 7. Tested the problem with version 1.73 and got same results. The Gravis Gamepad Pro is just a joystick device. I have to use the "ESC" button on my pincab no matter what. FP demands this and VP sees "ESC" as a "Q" in its key assignments. "ESC" is fixed in FP and it can not be changed. Within the PinballX settings, if I assign "Q" to exit an emulator, pressing the "ESC" button on my pincab while running a VP table causes the mini VP "Paused" window to pop up with options to "Resume Game", "Debug Window", or "Quit to Editor". This is unacceptable because now, I can't get back to PinballX unless I quit to the editor and use my mouse to close VP and then click back on PinballX on the taskbar. This means the setting for exiting the emulator in PinballX has to be "ESC" as well and not "Q". So the question is this: With a joystick device attached and considering I am exiting a program, why does the joystick disrupt PinballX and cause a crash to windows? log.txt PinballX.ini
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