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  1. I just saw the announcement that sling is shutting down Slingbox. There probably is a way with old hardware and old 1.5x software to get things working without their backend servers, but that is someone else's project. SlingFront was the backbone of my "Entertainment System" for many years and I just wanted to say thanks to all those who worked hard on creating and maintaining this little project. I will raise a glass tonight to toast the end of an era. Thanks again!
  2. Wow... This sounds interesting. I'll definitely will take a look. WRT to my original problem. Big human error. Kids put the original source into 640x480 over component without telling me. I was able to figure this out and eventually fix it with an extended remote troubleshooting session. Even with the bonehead error, I'm glad I posted and will take a look at your new project. Thanks for replying to my post
  3. For a little over a week Auto Quality and BestHD are not moving up to 1280x720. Anyone else having problems? I have a Sling 350 if that's important. Any troubleshooting suggestions. Firefox and I.E. want to install new plugins if I try to go to watch.slingbox.com (which I didn't install).
  4. Thanks for the detailed response. How would I go about configuring my router to block firmware updates but still enable Internet viewing? I agree that SlingFront is hands down the best solution, having had a slingcatcher and just looked at the Roku and Chromecast solutions. Chromecast might be interesting for hotel rooms.
  5. I got an email from sling about changes in chrome support to 64 bit only. That got me thinking about SlingFront. 1. Is SlingFront already 64 bit? If not is this being worked on? 2. It also appears that Sling's direction is shifting to standalone apps and away from browser plug ins. How will this affect Slingfront's continued use? On a side note, I recently compared Chromecast to SlingFront and slingfront had superior resolution and less buffering problems.
  6. Good question on the direct use of keyboard. I don't know and will try, but I'm not at home right now. To answer your question on setting to zero. For testing purposes I was editing the ini, but this first started when your latest drop cleared any conflict. When I assigned the oemcomma and oemperiod to other functions, this zeroed these two. How I found this is because your previous drop didn't handle the conflict (and I didn't know about editing the .ini). I had to reassign appqualitymin and good to some unused key (because slingfront has no way to set a key to none) and after doing this, everything worked. In testing your later drop (with your defaults and the re-assigning skip and skipback to oemcomma and oemperiod, things failed when pressing the assigned keys on the remote). From you in this forum then I learned about editing the .ini and was able to verify this by directly editing the .ini
  7. Yes. With an mce remote use any key mapper tool to set "next" and "prev" to oemcomma and oemperiod respectively. Make sure you reboot to make these values stick. Then in slingfront make appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to zero. Then make skipback and skip to oemcomma and oemperiod respectively. Now try hitting the skip button on the remote, I see the quality change (the info box comes up and shows a resolution switch to 320x240). If I then go into slingfront key settings and assign appqualityminimum and appqualitygood to some unused keys and keep everything else the same then the skip forward and skip back work as expected.
  8. Oviano, I've completed extensive testing of your latest drop. It correctly unassigns values if there is a conflict, however, SlingFront doesn't appear to work properly if some of the APPxxxx values are not assigned (or assigned to 0). Specifically, when I assigned keys that conflicted with AppQualityMinimum, your new code did set AppQualityMinimum to 0, however, this caused other keys on the remote to suddenly be changed. (I could change the quality to minimum using a key assigned to a completely different function). This problem was fixed once AppQualityMinimum was assigned to values other than 0 that were not assigned to keys on the remote. Once I edited the keyboard_mappings_v2.ini file so that all AppXXX values were non-zero, then the remote acted as expected. I don't know if it is all AppXXX values that have problems, but could consistently demonstrate problems when one or more AppQualityXXX values were set to 0. Hopefully this helps.....
  9. Oviano, sorry I've been slow at responding. I am on a business trip and don't return home Friday. I will provide a detailed report then, but have to say that the previous update that let me assign the list, skip back and skip forward keys has passed the 'wife' (judy :-) ) test. No complaints from her daily use. Thanks again and look for an update Sat morning.
  10. Just installed the latest binaries above. I had some complications because the key presses I used were already assigned to other functions. The current code doesn't unassign the current assigned key, so I had to go through all the key settings to see that both skipback (which I assigned) and AppBestHD were assigned to oemcomma. How do you assign a function to "None". I finally got the 3 keys working by assigning the conflicting keys to some function keys that were unused. Any way to import/export the key mappings and edit via an external text editor would be very cool. The current interface works, but each update will require the manual updates as the settings will be lost for every update. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining. The recent update is very much appreciated. Thanks again for getting this to work.
  11. The binaries were posted here http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/12744-news-slingfront-145/?p=106740 The conversation of the changes made are in the dozen or more posts before this. Thanks for looking at this.. =Alan
  12. Thanks Oviano!!! The new drop appears to be working fine! My 30 second skip on the remote and List (one of the custom buttons) still don't work. Any chance these changes can get merged into the sourceforge tree? Thanks again!
  13. Is this the "all keys" version? If not can we get an update to the "all keys" version?
  14. The date on Version 1.46 is June 2013, however there is an update based on 1.45 in the forums dated October 2013. Can we get an update that consolidates these separate releases?
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