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  1. Cool cheers Tom, that will be it
  2. I did, it said 'open with'
  3. It says .gxreg as the extention
  4. Hi All I have my GameEx key but its not showing a key file and when I click it to run it says 'Open With' Any Ideas Ta B
  5. I sussed it but I do have a problem tho How do I remove the Disk info on the left hand side of the screen DF0, DF1 etc? Most games reqire a Data disk in DF0 & the Game in DF1. How do I indert 2 disks?
  6. I will checkout Gamesack THANKS It runs OK in Mess, how do I set it up
  7. Just discovered this system, some pretty neat games out on it. Anyone know what is the best Emulator for it & whether its setup in GameEx? Ta B
  8. Beaps73

    Menu Questions

    How easy is it to do the following - add Neo Geo & Players Choice & Megatech under Mame on the main screen - take out all the emulators and list them also under mame (instead of going to emulation all the time) Ta B
  9. Omg KRC that is some impressive stuff right there buddy
  10. Oh ok, also what do you have installed via Gamebase out of interest. I am looking for Gamebase CD32
  11. Just noticed WiiWare game, interesting, is that using the Dolphin emu? If so I thought that only played ISO's, and badly lol
  12. The stool if full of controllers Nes, Snes etc, saves having em hanging around Wow that is one tricked out cab man
  13. That's a sweet list right there, also here is a pic of my setup http://s29.postimg.org/9dmjn9n93/image.jpg I soooooo love the fact that GameEx has a vertical list in MAME & when say you select a game, it says this is also available on This, this and this. Very clever indeed
  14. Ok, come on folks, who has what installed and running sweet through GEx? I got... Gamebase Amiga ST Amstrad ZX Spectrum C64 C128 Msx1 Msx2 Stand alone Genesis 32x Master System Sega CD Nes Snes N64 3do Atari Lynx Neo Geo Pocket Neo Geo CD Amiga WHD Load Daphne Still to do Philips CDi (no good emus out there) GX4000 (again not sure on the Emu to use) Famicom disk system N64 DD is there an Emulator for this?
  15. Hehe ok guys lol, I am blaming predictive txt on my iPad
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