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  1. Tomyte

    Steam not here..

    ok thanks
  2. Hello All recently i did a reset of my steam account. after that, i cannot retrieve steam games in Game Ex . Below my ini file. Thnaks for your help. GameEx.ini
  3. wow ! amazing work merci ( in french in the text )
  4. Hello it's ok thanks you
  5. hello each launcher are ok thank you
  6. wow what a great job ! it is possible to include each launcher in gameex in customs menu ? yes i need some tutorial.... thanks a lot
  7. hello all Great job ! If i want to use another application in my custom menu, is there a way to nominate - select one them in my custom menu ? there is only aplication 4 aplication 5 ..... I have some game without "steam inside " that i like to include in a custom menu to launch them. i don't want use window's shorcut anymore with this great front end ! thanks a lot
  8. hello rockyrocket thanks a lot for your work autohotkey is not installed , steam installed in following folder : C:\Jeux\Steam\ sorry for my late answer. my last child need a lot of attention... she's start to walk since 1 week !!
  9. hello rockyrocket here's my screenshot thanks a lot.
  10. Thank you for your answer Celly but where i put my custom video ? in which folder ? thanks
  11. Thankx Draco1962
  12. Hello all I'm looking for the solution to change the default's gameex background by a video. Thanks a lot
  13. hello all ! Is there any update for this launcher ? and i'm a newbies , what is le complete process to install this "shorcuts" in Gameex ? thanks a lot
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