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  1. I will make a request. Thank you.
  2. The rotation speed of the 3d arcades when using the selection is good but when using the entire screen to look at a arcade in 3d for example donkey Kong, the rotation is way to much to look at the beautiful Design cabs. Playing around with these would also be very very nice like zooming in and rotate the cabs with the joypads. Is there a value to reduce the amount of rotation speed? Also I want to mention that the speed of game ex increased incredible over the last months! The response is awesome and overall improved. Good job 👍 and thank you for the dedication.
  3. I did a sector copy, a clone of my 4 tb because 600000 files would have taken aprox 6 days to copy. Afterwards I expandet the partition copied the other 8 tb and plugge it into my arcade. My BIOS had major problems detecing the new 14tb drive. I spend many hours and after a special constellation of plugging in and out the sata and other plugs it finally works. I was already looking for a upgrade pc but now i am happy and maybe next year i will upgrade in new hardware. So long, thanks for all the help!
  4. I did the update to the new version of Gameex but it did not lower the loading speed of the infopage. launching a game is pretty fast from the NAS even with archived PS2 games with 2 GB in size. its all about the infopage, the page after selecting a game in the wheel. its only slow with the titles stored on the 8TB USB3 connected to the NAS. When i select a game in the wheel the following processes occure in my NAS: kworker/u2:2 with 18% cpu load and smbd with 35% load on the cpu until the infopage appears after 30 seconds. Thanks to all of you for trying to help me. I have the 14 TB drive in front of me and will start the migration process after this post. Whish me luck!
  5. I will try the new update, thanks for letting me know. I will report back soon.
  6. Full duplex, the Synology Nas is connected to a switch which is connected to my PC. I haven't looked at the CPU usage of my Nas when gameex is using the 8 TB mybook. I definitely look into it before I switch to the big hard drive out of curiosity and report back.
  7. Yes it really must have to do with the my book because i did use the internal HDDs of my NAS in the past and it worked pretty well.
  8. Thank you Draco1962 for your replies. I did change the themes from my custom one to standard without luck. I also plugged the 8 TB My Book to my Synology 325 NAS. The delay was halfed but still unbearable. My GameEx is updated to the current one without a differnce. I can not plug the My Book directly to my Emulation PC because its somehow not recognised by my USB 3 card. Instead I bought a 14 TB internal drive to have also more space in the future. Thanks for your efforts.
  9. Thank you!
  10. I pluged a 8 TB Drive on my Fritzbox as a NAS. Speed is great and browsing files is fast in windows. Gameex sadly takes ages (2 min) to load the screen where i can start the game when i selct a game from the wheel. once on the info page the game and select the rom the game starts fast. also when going into favorites it take very long before i can see them (20 sec). when disabling the NAS the favorites load fast as normal. i do have some games from the NAS as favorites. Anyone experiencing similar slowdowns with a NAS drive? How can i avoid this? Thanks GameEx.ini log.txt
  11. i installed gameex 17.22 and it emidently crashes when double clicking the icon, it even doesent produce a log file if there is any solution i want to know it too
  12. I do use retroarch with the desmume core. The thing is that I have to make the mouse visible again. When gameex is exiting the nomouse plugin is disabled and the mouse can be seen again. Is this is a executible I can load at startup of desmume to see the mouse? And when closing desmume it loaded again to hide the mouse?
  13. Thank you for the fast response. I will use the replace option instead of loading 16:9 Videos if this is the other option. Thanks again for your answer and time. Greetings Mogg
  14. I did use the seperate speesoft artwork fetcher (can not recall the name at the moment) for emumovies. There I did select mame and choosed video themes. I did check the video properties and all videos does have the same resolution. Something like 1444 x 1080 60 fps. When played in a Videoplayer all videos are covering the whole screen, not stretched or not squished. Why is gameex squishing vertical game videos, at my end this looks terrible. I'm using 4:3 TVs or a Arcade monitor. Any way to stop that?
  15. I noticed it two days ago as i was scolling through my mame games., it is a very new problem that cant exist that long. Maybe the 16.76 started to introduce the bug to my gameex.
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