Hi all and seasons greetings! This is my first post and i wanted to share my cabinet and the story of how i came to love GameEx! I've been into MAME and emulation for as long as i can remember, it's always fascinated me and is one of the primary uses for my PC. As a kid i often got overly excited by Arcade games, i remember playing Toki in a pub and was amazed by the graphics. As i've grown up i've always toyed with the idea of owning an Arcade machine, however living in the UK our house sizes are generally pathetic so collecting cabs is not currently an option. About a year ago i started looking into building an arcade cab for myself and quickly found the BYOAC forums which i read religiously for months before starting my project. Initially after seeing a youtube video demonstrating HyperSpin i fell in love. It seemed amazing, all the flash graphics and the wheel system but months on after building my cabinet and adding various emulator systems to it i have soon discovered it's shortfalls. I don't like how the XML system works and relying on tons of AHK scripts and various work arounds for the shortfalls started to get annoying and not to mention that if you had ANY missing art for a particular wheel it just looked terrible. At this time i had become aware of GameEx but had not investigated it. The final thing that convinced me to give it a try was HeadKaze's quick response to some CPWizard issues i was having and i thought, "if his support is this good then i can imagine GameEx is going to be awesome". I am now in love with GameEx, it's so easy to use - no messing about with loads of stupid tools just to get basic things set up. I especially love the "Recommended Game" feature for mame. My cabinet also features a dynamic marquee system which i had to write custom AHK scripts that intercepted commands to LEDBlinky. Now i use gamextender! Job done! Here's my cab on IMGUR, i hope you all like! i'm going to make a predator theme at some point for GameEx just to blend it all in. http://imgur.com/y1lCkjK,LAwY5bE,x7en0E4