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Everything posted by Slashbot

  1. was not codec releated but something else i renamed C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball.old\ then started pinballX to create new media folders and then moved all the artwork back to the new created folder. bammm all my artwork back. I also installed K-lite codec pack basic, works now so i leave my pinball cabinet software as it is.
  2. have the whole mame vertical collection on my cabinet will have a look
  3. everything was fine but after updating shark 007 advanced codec and LAV some tables dont diplay no backglass picture anymore (pinballx). I think its something with lav config, but don't know wat to change Canyone can help me?
  4. thnx for the tip!!!
  5. Would it be possible when starting/playing a pinball game to assign a dmd picture or a video to stay on the (3th) dmd screen ? Why? Some backglasses use only my 2e screen and the 3e (dmd) screen stays empty so it would be nice to add a logo or something.
  6. Thanks a lot for the link
  7. Hello everyone, Anyone can help me out with these Tarcisio Style wheels, i cannot find them and maybe anyone has them in there collection? Spectrum Spy Hunter Road kings Hook Hulk Grand Lizzard
  8. Thanks, im using you overlay image
  9. Hi Tom, Problem is resolved,same problem as Dom69 I add a line like <FormToFront>1</FormToFront> to the B2STableSettings.xml Still using PinballX as frontEnd great frondend, everything works fine now back again.
  10. Full log in attach [SETTINGS].log log.txt
  11. I found out that if i use PinballXLite it displays all the B2s backglass correct.
  12. @Tom Speirs For videos try turning off 32 bit video colors in lav video setting. = That worked thanks for that. Problem with backglasses not loading not solved with the latest version, some tables work fine others like The Addams Family don't load DB2s. Checked: it loads the B2s but its in the background not showing, if u press alt+tab a few times backglass is displayed but cant start the game then. I also checked registery for the key mentioned earlier in a post and it's not there. I seems the backglass needs some more time to start? Any other suggestion welcome. t
  13. i added the pinballX ini PinballX.ini
  14. After instal the latest pinballx version i got 2 issues: 1. some backglass DB2 is not started after lunching a table from pinballX (like AC/DC,Austin powers,..) Bad Cats still displays DB2s when starting the same table straight from VPX the backglass is always displayed correct. 2. Backglass video's and table videos are not displayed anymore (black screen) dmd videos still work When i delete the videos from folders the backglass and table pictures are displayed correctly in pinballx What i did: reinstalled LAV filters from link homepage but problem is not solved. Any Help? log.txt
  15. Thanks a lot for all the work you put into this, is there another location on the FTP where i can find other mega docklets for visual pinball? Im missing still a few like Abracadabra.badcats,Attack from mars,...
  16. I managed it with Ultramon, u can create video profiles sraight from shortcuts Im using the trial version now.
  17. Thnx for the help
  18. I got a 3 screen Pincab setup with PinballX and GameEx Windows setup: Screen 1 main Screen 2 dmd Screen 3 Backglass Is it possible to run Gameex on main screen and when running an emulator/rom it always opens on the 3th screen? Or completly run GameEx from my 3th Screen when start , (i can only run it on the first and second screen now)? Thnx for the help
  19. Ive encountered a problem, after cloning my 60GB SSD to a 120SSD now most of the artwork is missing(playfield videos,backlglass). pinballx verision 2.70 The strange thing : for some tables and when i add a new table and import artwork video's gets displayed. All the files are still in the correct folders so that should not be the problem. Is there a option for a complete rescan of the Artwork database?
  20. Ok for me if you want that, would be great to see the new version. Sent from my SM-G935U using Tapatalk
  21. Hope you guys like it I wanted to make a new trailer with my new adressable LEDS
  22. Stopx : my ledblinky script But i already disabed it, problem not solved #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% process = FutureDMD.exe Loop { prev := ErrorLevel Process, Close, %process% Process, Exist, %process% } until !ErrorLevel or (prev = ErrorLevel) Run, C:\Program Files\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe off Sleep, 500 Run, taskkill /IM LEDBlinky.exe 0,,UseErrorLevel ExitApp It only happens when i enable the Direct output PinballX plugin
  23. Anyone knows howto set custom brightness of the adressable leds matrix when browsing tables? thnx
  24. Anyone can help me solve this problem,i cannot find it myself? since i activated the Direct output PinballX plugin now PinballX stopped working when exit user interface. Everything is working fine leds,tables,..., it only when exiting back to windows got this message; error: pinballx has stopped working a probleml caused the program to stop working correctly please close the program logfiles are attached Grts from Belgium log.txt DirectOutputpbx.log
  25. After upgrading to the latest versio of PBinballX, i now see a blue Pinballx picture apearing on my backglass. I already checked settings but don't see where to disable the new screen. Anyone know where to look?
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