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  1. thanks! starting to understand the the arcade version a bit better.
  2. thanks for the replies. is the configuration search feature working or am i using it wrong?
  3. i think i found the option in the config.ini. still curious about the search feature.
  4. Was checking out the newer versions of gameex and noticed a missing setting. http://www.gameex.info/wiki/index.php/GameEx:Enable_/_Disable_Features_(Setup_Wizard)#Disable_MAME Cant seem to find the option to hide Arcade/Genres from the main menu. Also, how does the "Search Select" work? In the past i could search for a setting and the next page would be the setting i was looking for, now it doesnt seem to work, if i search and select a setting, the next page just cycles through all the settings normally. thanks in advance!
  5. that did the trick. thanks alot!
  6. finally upgraded my cab to new hardware and win7 x64. all was going good and i finally put the instantsheller back on. problem is it seems to start on a random page when booting. even if i go to the home screen and shutdown, it will either boot into my favorites or on the play screen of a recently played game. i looked for an option to always start at the first page but cant find it if there is any. any ideas? thanks
  7. guess thats not gonna be as easy as i thought. i would have to open my CP and rewire since i cant seem to reprogram what key is assign to what button =/
  8. my player 2 coin and start button are mapped as 6 and 2 and are very easily hit at same time causing games to close. just wanted it to change that if possible. is it a bug or is it there for a purpose? edit: player 1-4 start is 1 2 3 4 and player 1-4 coin is 5 6 7 8. guess i could change some numbers around or something... still curious as to why 6 and 2 exit
  9. just did that but now the new mapped key closes mame and so does 6 + 2.
  10. When playing a mame game, the game will close if you hold 6 and hit 2. How can I stop this from happening?
  11. Id like this as an option too
  12. What I am tryin to do is keep the fact that you can hold down a key to page by letters but disable going to a letter by pressing the letter. In other words, Im using a slikstik control panel and as we all know it uses a keyboard encoder. when player 1 is going through the game list, people on other controls can be hitting keys to make it harder to scroll through the games. I didnt see an option to do this so if its possible, add it in a version to come please?
  13. thanks for the help. 1 problem im kinda having now is that i deleted the select button to change it to something else but now i cant set it to anything because i cant select lol.... how do i chsng it back EDIT: changed my default.cfg file and works fine now.
  14. tested the mame119 outside of gameex and its still running galaga sluggish so its not an issue with gameex. attached a copy of the log anyways log.txt
  15. according to slikstik, the escape is set to to start + pause. seeing that it didnt work, i remember looking at these forums to figure out how to exit games and saw this: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...tart=#entry8274 Tom says that all the he made the p2 start+coin the exit. So it seems it needs to be changed in gameex somehow.
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