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Everything posted by sigma415

  1. Funny, I could swear I downloaded a 5:10PM EST version with filesize 51,2 MB (53.761.176 Bytes) last evening OK, OK, we are dealing with betas (and hopefully know what we are doing)
  2. @Tom: [updated 2014/08/17 12PM EST] seems to behave much better regarding the lost keystrokes. But then: Memory Error:
  3. Do you use a Real DMD with pinDMD ? Which LED's do you mean ? LedWiz ? You should post your configuration and the PBX config & log files
  4. That's exactly the problem: it's hard to determine what's going on and when, because all is happening in the "underground" of PBX .... I will try the latest version
  5. Tom, I tried your newest version [updated 2014/08/17 8:50AM EST] Unfortunately the lost keystrokes are back now, but I'm pretty sure knowing better now, what's happening. It looks like, that when the problem appears, the keystrokes are send to the desktop. Sometime I can see popups of the comment field of the properties of my desktop icons overlaying the PBX playfield video. They wander from one icon to the next, when I press the left or right button. (I have assigned Cursor left/right to my flipper buttons and also to the PBX left/right keys) And when cursor focus reaches one end left or right of my desktop, the keystrokes will be processed again by PBX in the right manor. Switching back in reverse direction, problem comes back. Mostly PBX crashes after several of these unsuccessfull keystrokes without app crash window. VPinMameLauncher still running and I had to kill this process manually. Also sound entry of the tables was reset in registry. So for me it looks like some kind of strange focus problem. Config file and log attached (but log doesn't really help. Can it be configured to be more verbose ?) BTW: I also tried to change PBX config to "Windowed full screen", but this does not change anything. PinballX.ini log - Kopie (3).txt
  6. OK, thanks. I will give a try for [updated 2014/08/17 1AM EST] later on. But first of all some more results for the [updated 20140813 500AM EST] (crazy version names, some beta number would be easier ;-) #1 remained as my main problem (#2 - #4 were not reproducable) As soon as VpinMameLauncher started the communication between Vpinmame and PinDMD, keystrokes were lost, also from standard keyboard (but only for tables with ROM enabled, videos were still fine) Hide PinMAME was set to "off". Setting it to "on" seems to resolve the keystroke problems Can you tell me what happened ? Did I have a virtual (screen) DMD hidden in the background of the playfield which steals focus ? But now I saw another problem: after starting and then exiting ROM enabled game, only standard video was shown back in PBX, later on PBX crashes. (log for this crash see attachement) But before we go into deep, I will try the new version from today. log - Kopie.txt
  7. Tom, I'm confused with your Beta version numbering in post #1. Is this the version from Sunday morning 17 Aug 2014 ? (says something like 01 Aug , 01:00h ???)
  8. @Tom: I started to test the [updated 2014/08/13 5:00AM EST] 1.86 Beta version today. First of all: I did not see app crashs related to LAVVideo.ax anymore :-) (Shark007 codecs still the original ones from your site, not updated) But I recognized some other strange "effects", which are not really reproducable and which I could not clearly assign to what is really happening (up to now). 1.) Sometimes my cab buttons do not react during PBX table selecting (I use an iPac2 keyboard controller connected via USB). In one case I heared windows sound messages (bing), like "Keyboard buffer full". 2.) Sometimes PinMame DMD on PinDMD stopps for all ROM selected tables, only standard PBX Real DMD video is played. After restart of PBX the sequence from ROM is back. 3.) In one case I imagine, that the PinMame sound entry in registry was deleted again (but I'm not really sure) 4.) Had also some PBX crashes, where PinDMD was locked after. Had to switch off machine and power up again. All these negative effects disappear, when I disable "Use PinMame .." in PBX settings. Maybe these effects are due to my configuration, but I think this is a quite common config for cab users. But I cannot state the 1.86 Beta as very stable, sorry :-( I will continue testing for the next days. Maybe I find some correlations. Using Win7 x64, VP 9.90, unified PinMAME 1.92, PinDMD V2 (Real DMD), I-PAC 2 button controller, Ledwiz with DOF R2, Nanotech Plunger
  9. @vulbas: Yes, me (and others) can confirm your problem with the PBX Beta 1.86 and sounds (as you can read in several posts above your post). So at the moment the only solution seems to go back to the official 1.85 and to restore all the lost sound checkmarks. We all have to accept that Tom has provided us only a test version and no official release, so there is no guarantee what can happen. I hope,Tom will continue this great idea to support PinMame DMD animations and will publish an updated version some day.
  10. After switching off PinMame videos in PBX setup (cause of the LAVVideo.ax crashes), I also recognized the problem, that table sounds are switched off in VPM. Win 7 x64, unified PinMAME 1.9, PinDMD2 (Real DMD)
  11. Real DMD Video for "Last Action Hero (Data East 1993)" Click on GIF above for preview animation. Last Action Hero (Data East 1993) REAL DMD VIDEO 1.0.zip
  12. Real DMD Video for "24 (Stern 2009)" Click on GIF above for preview animation. This DMD animation is not purely authenic. Because the original ROM sequence did never show the table name "24" I tuned it up a little bit and inserted a homebrewed animated 24 logo. I also started to make my own sequences for other non-DMD tables like "Fire!" and "F-14 Tomcat" using on-board tools Gimp, Powerpoint and Virtualdub. Please let me know, if you like such kind of improvements 24 (Stern 2009) REAL DMD VIDEO 1.1.zip
  13. Real DMD Video for "High Roller Casino (Stern 2001)" Click on GIF above for preview animation. High Roller Casino (Stern 2001) Real DMD Video 1.0.zip
  14. Tom, I was a little bit confused, because in first post it still says "[updated 2014/07/18 5:00AM EST]" but I downloaded again today and after recognizing this setup.exe had a smalle file size, I run the PBX-setup again. But I still get the same app crash with LAVVideo.ax error as some posts above. Would it be better to uninstall PBX completely before new setup ? (never had to do this before ...) Im running win 7 x64 and the 1.9 unified PinMAME with PinDMD2 (Real DMD).
  15. Additional info: - I still have the original Shark007 32bit codecs 4.2.8 from the PBX site installed - After the app crash window, I can continue to cycle between tables in PBX (with the crash window on top of playfield video), -- playfield video still running -- Real DMD still running (Video AND ROM) -- but backglass video stopped
  16. Update: I also got the app crash when switching between two ROM DMD tables. But also with the LAVVideo.ax error LAVVideo.ax sits in C:\Program Files (x86)\Shark007\Advanced\filters and has file date "09.10.2013 15:00" and file size 1,43 MB (1.501.184 Bytes).
  17. Tom, I also get an app crash now. It's reproducable when switching between tables with ROM DMD and with DMD video. Using your latest "Beta PinballXSetupTest_20140718 500AM EST.exe" The debug output says something about LAVVideo.ax. Some problem with the codecs ? (I did not update the codec package for a long time) My config: Win7 x64 GermanPinDMD v2arngrim's "VPinmame SAM/PINDMD/UNITY unified version 1.9"anything else you need ?Beschreibung: Stopped workingProblemsignatur: Problemereignisname: APPCRASH Application Name: PinballX.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 53c8fd97 Fault Module Name: LAVVideo.ax Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 5248593f Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0005a623 Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601. Gebietsschema-ID: 1031log.txt: 19:16:33.1 18.07.2014: PinballX - Version 1.8619:16:33.1 18.07.2014: Loading Settings19:16:33.1 18.07.2014: Launching Startup Program: ledblinky Audio start.bat19:16:33.1 18.07.2014: C:\PinballX\ledblinky Audio start.bat 19:16:33.1 18.07.2014: Initialize Component19:16:33.2 18.07.2014: Initialize Display19:16:33.2 18.07.2014: Loading PlugIns19:16:33.3 18.07.2014: Created DirectX BackGlass Window19:16:33.3 18.07.2014: Hiding Cursor19:16:33.3 18.07.2014: Hiding Taskbar19:16:33.4 18.07.2014: PinDMD2 Intialized19:16:33.4 18.07.2014: Load Game List19:16:33.4 18.07.2014: Loading Database: Future Pinball19:16:33.4 18.07.2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball19:16:33.4 18.07.2014: Loading Database: Jukebox19:16:33.4 18.07.2014: Loading Database: Windows Media Center19:16:33.4 18.07.2014: Finding and matching artwork and videos19:16:33.5 18.07.2014: Loading Game Statistics and Scores19:16:34.5 18.07.2014: Initialize Audio19:16:34.5 18.07.2014: Set Keyboard Controls19:16:34.5 18.07.2014: Initialize Joystick19:16:34.6 18.07.2014: 1 Joystick Attached19:16:34.6 18.07.2014: Started19:16:40.3 18.07.2014: Exiting19:16:40.3 18.07.2014: Showing Taskbar19:16:40.3 18.07.2014: Unhiding Mouse Cursor19:16:40.4 18.07.2014: Launching Exit Program: After_PbX.bat19:16:40.4 18.07.2014: C:\PinballX\After_PbX.bat 19:16:40.6 18.07.2014: Disposing Plugins19:16:40.6 18.07.2014: Saving Settings
  18. Tom, thank you ! Fantastic result for such a quick beta version. Runs "out of the box" with my PinDMD v2 + Vishay, Win7 x64. This is also a solution for the non-DMD tables which use segment LED displays. For a release version I would have the same wish as zeenon some post above: There should be a possibility to specify, if the ROM or the Real DMD Video file should be used. Maybe it would be possible to have a special entry in the ROM buttons list, where "Real DMD Video" or something else could be choosen instead of the ROM's name. Or empty ROM name in the XML could mean: use Real DMD Video. Because SAM emulated Stern ROMs with arngrims VPinmame.dll seems not to be supported by this implementation, this would be very helpfull. And also, to be honest: for some tables I like my selfmade Real DMD Videos (see the other RealDMD Video thread) better than the standard sequences out of the ROM
  19. Real DMD Video for "Gilligans Island (Midway 1991)" Click on GIF for animation. Gilligans Island (Midway 1991) REAL DMD VIDEO 1.0.zip
  20. Real DMD Video for "Judge Dredd (Bally 1993)" Click on GIF for animation. Judge Dredd (Bally 1993) REAL DMD VIDEO 1.0.1.zip
  21. Hi Carny_Priest, Great ! Could you provide the link to your uploaded DMD videos ?
  22. Real DMD Video for "Indianapolis 500 (Bally 1995)" Click on GIF for animation. Indianapolis 500 (Bally 1995) REAL DMD VIDEO 1.0.zip
  23. Updated Real DMD video 1.1 for "Goldeneye (Sega 1996)" Click on GIF for animation Goldeneye (Sega 1996) REAL DMD VIDEO 1.1.zip
  24. @Krakerman: Do you still have this problem ? FileZilla client shows me all 483 files, from "250cc (Inder) (1992) (JPSalas) (1.1.0).f4v" to "Zone Fury (Original) (2012) (Neo) (1.0.1).f4v", so it seems not to be a problem on the FTP site.
  25. Real DMD Video for "Corvette (Bally 1994)" Click on GIF for animation. BTW: How can I include autostart animated GIF's in a forum post ? Corvette (Bally 1994) REAL DMD VIDEO 1.0.zip
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