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  1. Tom, thanks a lot. Works great I only had to overwrite the exe file (I used only X86 version)
  2. Thank you Tom. I will wait for it. Do I have to upgrade the XDMD framework also ?
  3. Hi Tom, after a longer time I returned to my cab and updated it with newer versions of PBX. (I was on 3.06) Found out that all PBX versions 3.15 and higher killed my lovely XDMD_CMD.exe feature you provided me some years ago. (see above) I suppose it has something to do with the v3.15 change " - The PinballX application itself has been moved to the .NET framework 4 and SharpDX from 2 and SlimDX". I have also seen that there is a newer source code of XDMD_CMD in your repository (http://xdmd.info/ etc.) but I do not have the development environment to compile the new version. Could you please help me again ? Thanks a lot and a happy new year 2019.
  4. Not for Win 10, because you mentioned that PinDMD is runnig OK out of VP tables. Did you search the forum for other Win10 related PBX problems ? Don't know how many PBK users use Win10 AND PinDMD ... Maybe you can ask Tom Speirs. That's OK, same in Win7 You have to call from command line with video filename as parameter , nothing will happen by only clicking the exe. Has no Win GUI.
  5. thiago, as long as the REAL DMD AVI's cannot be played on your standard TFT easily with Windows Media Player, it makes no sense to continue with PBX and PinDMD. IMHO your system still has a codec problem which must be solved first. VLC is no solution because VLC bypasses all those crazy Windows codec problems by using application internal codecs. That's the reason why so many people like VLC to solve their codec problems, but it helps only for videos on the desktop screen. Maybe one hint: my avi's are coded using "Microsoft Video 1" codec (which is rated as a very compatible and problemless codec ... seems not for Windows 10) see mediainfo of example ACDC DMD video. Conclusion: You first must focxus on improving your Win10 system to play the AVI's with Windows Media Player outside of PBX, before continue troubleshooting with PBX and PinDMD. Im pretty shure that this will solve also your PBX/PinDMD problems, but at this point I can't give you more hints. Google is your friend ... Good luck.
  6. thiago, 1.) Is your PinDMD working correct inside the VP tables ? 2.) try to test my .avi files outside of PBX with the command line tool "XDMD_CMD.exe" which Tom provided for me: https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14689-how-to-send-videos-or-png-to-xdmd-via-command-line/ (Maybe you have to look for and install the XDMD dll files. My installation is too long ago to remember ....) Will your system then show the videos on the PinDMD ? 3.) Another thing could be that you may have a problem with your multiple codecs installations. I recommend to uninstall all codec packages and install ONLY the LAV codec mentioned by draco. Above you mentioned: " ... Even put the other .gif and avi files to see if it worked and the result was negative " What does this mean ? Which other avi files ? You should ONLY copy the .avi files from my zip's into the folder "PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Real DMD Videos" The GIF'S are only intended for preview in web browser, not for use in PBX. 4.) Another comment (which will not really help you): I have left may cab deliberately on Windows 7 and have no experience with PBX under Win10. Maybe a search thru the forum for PinDMD and/or video problems under Win10 could help.
  7. @thiago: Maybe one idea: Did you enable "Use PINMAME in frontend" in PBX Config ? This should be set to "No" for using the DMD video files. If enabled, PBX tries to find DMD sequences in the ROM files. On my cab this also led to symptoms similar described by you so I disabled this feature. (and I like my edited videos much better than the noncut sequences out of the ROMs
  8. Real DMD Video for "Batman Forever (Sega 1995)" Not perfect Scaled down from original Sega's 192x64 DMD Also uploaded to FTP server (Other Uploads/sigma415/...) Copy AVI file from ZIP into "C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Real DMD Videos\" (maybe you have to rename the file according your needs) Batman Forever (Sega 1995) [REAL DMD VIDEO] 0.1 sigma415.zip
  9. "Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993)" is part of RealDMD_Videos_Pack_2.zip, see https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14608-real-dmd-support-is-here/?do=findComment&comment=123825 "Black Rose (Bally 1992)" is in RealDMD_Videos_Pack_1a.zip: https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14608-real-dmd-support-is-here/?do=findComment&comment=123597 "Batman Forever (Sega 1995)" I did not publish up to now because it's one of the the "not so perfect scaled down" videos from original Sega's 192x64 DMD's. Anyway I will post it later.
  10. Real DMD Video for "Tee'd Off (Premier 1993)" Also uploaded to FTP server (Other Uploads/sigma415/...) Copy AVI file from ZIP into "C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Real DMD Videos\" (maybe you have to rename the file according your needs) Tee'd Off (Premier 1993) [REAL DMD VIDEO] 1.0 sigma415.zip
  11. Real DMD Video for "Terminator 3 (Stern 2003)" Also uploaded to FTP server (Other Uploads/sigma415/...) Copy AVI file from ZIP into "C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Real DMD Videos\" (maybe you have to rename the file according your needs) Terminator 3 (Stern 2003) [REAL DMD VIDEO] 1.0 sigma415.zip
  12. Real DMD Video for "Cueball Wizard (Gottlieb 1984)" Also uploaded to FTP server (Other Uploads/sigma415/...) Copy AVI file from ZIP into "C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Real DMD Videos\" (maybe you have to rename the file according your needs) Cueball Wizard (Gottlieb 1984) [REAL DMD VIDEO] 1.0 sigma415.zip
  13. Real DMD Video for "Star Trek (Stern 2013)" Also uploaded to FTP server (Other Uploads/sigma415/...) Copy AVI file from ZIP into "C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Real DMD Videos\" (maybe you have to rename the file according your needs) Star Trek (Stern 2013) [REAL DMD VIDEO] 1.0 sigma415.zip
  14. Dirty Harry (Williams 1995) Monopoly (Stern 2001) Spiderman (Stern 2007) Tron Legacy (Stern 2011): You'll find DMD videos for these 4 tables in RealDMD_Videos_Pack_2 in my post on page2: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14608-real-dmd-support-is-here/?do=findComment&comment=123825 Frankenstein (Sega 1995): Original table has special Sega 192x64 DMD, which doesn't look good on our 128x32 DMD's. That's the reason I didn't publish the DMD video, but I attached it here if you want to try. The Phantom Of The Opera (Data East 1990): Not available, because original table has no DMD, only segment LED's (doesn't make sense as Real DMD video) Star Trek (Stern 2013) Cueball Wizard (Gottlieb 1984) Terminator 3 (Stern 2003) Tee'd Off (Gottlieb 1993): You're right, they are not available up to now. Let's see if I will find some time to do them Frankenstein (Sega 1995).zip
  15. You can find some of them already here above in the same thread (starting here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14608-real-dmd-support-is-here/?do=findComment&comment=123597 or nearly all of them in my uploads on the FTP: http://ftpbrowse.gameex.com/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/sigma415/
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