Hello all, Let me first of all say how great I find this application to be! It really upgrades my viewing experience with the Slingbox! And it's close to being perfect for my needs. Unfortunately, there is one key feature at least for me that is missing and it prevents me from enjoying it fully. So let me explain my situation. Basically as we all know there is some delay between sending a signal through the virtual remote control and the actual action to happen. In my case this delay prevents me from choosing a specific channel if the channel number is higher than 1 digit, because no matter how quick I press one digit after the other, I can never get the combination in time due to the delay. It will just change into the channel corresponding to the 1st digit and then to the one matching the 2nd digit. I overcame this issue in the Slingplayer Webplayer by using the box below the streaming picture that lets you input the channel number and then just press Enter. Unfortunately such feature as far as I know, it's not available in your software and for me it would be essencial. (i.e. by pressing some key in the keyboard to pop up a little box where one could insert the channel number and press enter). Would such a feature be feasible? Once again, I really enjoy the application, but without this feature it becomes very difficult for me to use my slingbox since in my case there is more than 200 channels available, and my only chance would be to scroll through all of them. Thanks in advance