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be77amy last won the day on October 29 2013

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  1. BXY - 270300 Must try harder..
  2. This one took me so long to get my head round! Looks like I've got some serious ground to make up on the leader board if I want my top spot back
  3. Been a while since I did one of these! BXY - 802550
  4. You'll have to forgive tbe terrible quality of this pic but i've had it a while!
  5. Score does reset if you continue, just checked
  6. Apologies for missing out the screenshot! Think I must be doing the browse bit and forgetting to press attach! Added it now and yeah that scores ridiculous!! good effort!
  7. Some big value hidden prizes to be won on this game! Initials > BXY Mame > 149 Rules as per post #1 Score > 346,070
  8. Maybe it has something to do with the version I'm using but on mine when the dip switch is set to not allow continue I don't get the countdown. Just checked it again now. Did you remember to reset the game after changing the dip switches, otherwise you won't be using the correct settings. Doesn't really effect this game much but on some of the others where you have to change difficulty or extra life scores could make a big difference!
  9. Had to double and triple check this but turns out if you have continue disallowed via the dip switches (as per post #1 rules) you don't get the initial entry. you need to watch the continue countdown to 0 as you say.
  10. For some reason it doesn't let me put my initials in? Rules as per post #1 Mame > 149 Score > 135530
  11. First effort! Initials > BXY Mame > 149 Rules as per post #1 Score > 82,510
  12. Thats what I get for playing on my tablet! was too good a score not to post though
  13. Improved my score! should be able to go further on my cab! Score > 690,050
  14. I've been hammering it! I'm struggling at the first level of mission 3 mostly
  15. I was waiting to get something better but this will do to start! I love all the pangs but I like this one for its simplicity although its less forgiving than some of the later ones! Initials > BXY Score > 342,630 Rules as per post #1 Mame > 149
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