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About timboo68

  • Birthday 12/19/1968

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    Pinball, Music, Electronic

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  1. Hi all, i have added some start/stop scripts on the ftp-server. The scripts are for VP, FP, PinballFX2 and Pinball X. You have to open them and change the paths with yours and compile them again. Then add the scripts with the settings.exe before you (start) and exit (stop) each Pinball. You need: Ledwiz bat Files in the Script Folder. LedBlinky App installed. Appkiller.exe and ShowBackglass.exe installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\images\AppKiller.exe PinballFX Backglass Images here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\images\ Future Pinball: - Start a LedBlinky Audio Animation when the table is not a LedWiz table. (Defined in the 'Ledwiz Tables.txt') If you want to have an audio LedWiz Animation in Future Pinball you have to make one and name it 'sound.lwax' - Replace Future Pinball and Open GL32.dll so you can use Zedonius and normal FP together. You have to add your Zedonius Tables in 'Zedonius Tables.txt' and you have to rename your normal FP to FP_Future Pinball.exe and FP_opengl32.dll and your Zedonius FP to ZED_Future Pinball.exe and ZED_Opengl32.dll. PinballX: Starts LedBlinky with your Led-Animation. You have to make one and name it: PinballX-Start.lwax PinballFX2: - Exit PinballX and starts Backglass and Pinball FX2 and select the table. (Pinball FX2 was not working fine with running Pinball X in the background) Here my entries from the Pinball X settings file: [FuturePinball] Enabled=TrueWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\BAMTablePath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\TablesExecutable=Future Pinball.exeParameters=/STAYINRAM /open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exitLaunchBeforeEnabled=TrueLaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsLaunchBeforeExecutable=Start Future Pinball.exeLaunchBeforeHideWindow=TrueLaunchBeforeWaitForExit=FalseLaunchAfterEnabled=TrueLaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsLaunchAfterExecutable=Stop Future Pinball.exeLaunchAfterHideWindow=FalseLaunchAfterWaitForExit=TrueMouseClickFocus=TrueFPRAMPath=C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\fpRAMLaunchBeforeParameters=[TABLEFILE] [VisualPinball]Enabled=TrueWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\Visual PinballTablePath=C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\TablesExecutable=VPinball.exeParameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"LaunchBeforeEnabled=TrueLaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsLaunchBeforeExecutable=Start Visual Pinball.exeLaunchBeforeHideWindow=TrueLaunchBeforeWaitForExit=FalseLaunchAfterEnabled=TrueLaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsLaunchAfterExecutable=Stop Visual Pinball.exeLaunchAfterHideWindow=FalseLaunchAfterWaitForExit=TrueNVRAMPath=C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMame\nvramLaunchBeforeParameters=[TABLEFILE] [startupProgram]Enabled=TrueWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsExecutable=Start PinballX.exeParamaters=HideWindow=TrueWaitForExit=false [ExitProgram]Enabled=TrueWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsExecutable=Stop PinballX.exeParamaters=HideWindow=TrueWaitForExit=True [system_1]Name=PinballFX2Enabled=TrueWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsTablePath=Executable=Start PinballFX2.exeParameters=[TABLEFILE]LaunchBeforeEnabled=FalseLaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsLaunchBeforeExecutable=PinballFX2.exeLaunchBeforeHideWindow=FalseLaunchBeforeWaitForExit=FalseLaunchAfterEnabled=TrueLaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\Pinball\PinballX\ScriptsLaunchAfterExecutable=Stop PinballFX2.exeLaunchAfterHideWindow=TrueLaunchAfterWaitForExit=TrueLaunchBeforeParameters=[TABLEFILE]Have fun.
  2. Hi all, I cannot start Pinball FX2 (Steam). Same if I try to start it as standalone or with the script. I see the loading screen then the screen disappears and fall back to PinballX. When I close PinballX then I see that Pinball FX2 was started. I use Windows 7 - 64bit. Is there a way to set Pinball FX2 in front? Thanks. timboo68
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