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Everything posted by gauntletlover

  1. hey graf, Your settings look proper. I just did a quick test to make sure the close tag is working and it seems fine. It almost seems like you are loading it on boot up and then trying to load again with the frontend? did you add a link to future dmd in the windows startup folder or registry? If so remove that and give it a try. The 012 is monitor 123.It was just an oversight, I should have made them match. If you are manually editing PosScreen enter 2 for monitor 3.
  2. no problem, the best way to install futuredmd is to put it all in the future pinball directory but just moving the opengl32.file should work, just to be sure I would delete it then re-install them all in the future pinball folder. Try opening bam directly. Does the dmd start working? If so I noticed a couple other things in the ini file as well. The parameters you have specified are for another frontend. Try renaming fploader.exe to future pinball.exe for best compatibility and then update the ini file lines: [FuturePinball]WorkingPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\BAMTablePath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\TablesExecutable=future pinball.exeFPRAMPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\fpRAMParameters= /STAYINRAM /open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderenderLaunchBeforeEnabled=TrueLaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\Games\Future PinballLaunchBeforeExecutable=FutureDMD.exeLaunchBeforeParameters=table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1 Hopefully that will do it.
  3. Make sure the opengl32.dll file is in your future pinball directory not the bam folder and Change this line: LaunchBeforeParameters=table="[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" close=1 To this one: LaunchBeforeParameters=table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1 That should fix you up.
  4. I think pushing the start button to bring up the current menu as it is. Then press start will start the table as it does now or display any varient of the table if you have entered them. example (night mode, bam, gold version, standard version etc...)
  5. Ok thanks, If you could test this out for me. It should hopefully fix you up. Let me know and I will include the changes in the next release if it worked. (test file removed/ update applied to release)
  6. I have just started testing with BAM myself and am not getting it to open and close itself properly with PinballX. I suspect it may have something to do with how BAM is being closed so FDMD doesn't know to close yet. Can you take \BAM off your setting and test with FP's Future Pinball.exe ? Let me know if it's working there?
  7. Hi guys just, wanted to announce that I've released a new plugin for PinballX in the User Projects forum. The plugin takes live game data and presents it on FutureDMD while you are navigating your game lists. I've had this running on my cabinet for a couple weeks now and combined with PinballX my navigation system is finally feeling complete...... Well not really complete, complete. I've posted the features and dl over there if you want to try it out!
  8. Hi guys, for those of you using FutureDMD or thinking about it, I've included a plugin for PinballX to display real time game information on FutureDMD while navigating your game lists: It will show things like: Highlighted game's nameLast time playedWho holds the High ScoreHow many times the game has been played2nd and 3rd place scoresAverage time a game might lastAs well as customizable messages can be created for every single table making each one unique! This is only version 1 and I have several ideas on where I want to take it but I'm curious what you guys think? Give it a try and let me know. If you have any feature requests I would love to hear them or If you find a bug please let me know so I can correct it. Set up instructions are included in the pdf with the download. I think this plugin has a lot of potential but I might be a little biased It is currently packaged with the newest version FutureDMD and isn't compatible with versions prior to FutureDMD v1.5. You can download it here: FUTUREDMD 1.5b.rar Also, Thanks Tom for the support and additions made to Pinballx, giving me the tools to get this project started.
  9. He Bonoscot, If forgot I posted this here for you. I corrected the help file in the newest version as well. The "[TABLEPATH]\" shouldn't be on this line like in my previous post. Use this instead. LaunchBeforeParameters=table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1
  10. I'm not sure about the rules for posting links to other sites here, so if this is a violation I apologize. http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8222
  11. @Graf, I just posted an update for FutureDMD version 1.3 to support loading from PinballX (great front end btw) Once you update, these are the parameters you need: LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=(path to your future pinball directory) LaunchBeforeExecutable=FutureDMD.exe LaunchBeforeParameters=table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1 This should fix you up. The "pipes are busy" message is normally because you are trying to load more than one instance of futuredmd.exe. @Tom Great front end. I just switched over my cabinet and noticed that I needed to add some support. I was only supporting passing the table name not the table with a file extension. I've now added support for both. If you find any other compatibility issues please let me know. I can make changes fairly quickly to address them. *edited launchbeforeparameters entered the wrong line on original post
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