Here's one to check off the list. Post Time (Williams 1969). I'm glad everyone likes my contribution. The (WH) means with head. This has been vectorized off of the back glass with the horse's head coming from the flyer. I can move the head around if anyone wants. Anyhoo
LOL, DJ, I haven't gone anywhere. I just have "real life syndrome" at the moment. Time has been very limited. As long as I'm breathing, more will be on the way! BTW, I'm glad you find them sexy
hmmm. Those are interesting. The "Lightning" seems to be the rotating dial within the back glass. It looks like (from IPDB) that a part of it is always obscured. Satin Doll is a nice image to work off of. It seems as if it was made to look back lit. Let's see what I can pull off.