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Everything posted by slydog43

  1. I wrote a little program to rename all of my tables from a database that I use to keep track of table name, desc, year, etc. I now use the format: desc (Manu)(Year)(Author)(Version). It can go up to 255 but I think my max is about 120 characters. I get an error when starting Pinballx when loading database. 18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: Loading Database: Visual Pinball18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: Error. Exiting18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: Argument 'Length' must be greater or equal to zero.18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Mid(String str, Int32 Start, Int32 Length)18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: at PinballX.Main.a(String A_0, String A_1, String A_2, Boolean A_3, String A_4, String A_5)18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: at PinballX.Main.b(String A_0, String A_1, String A_2)18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: at PinballX.Main.b(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2)18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: at PinballX.Main..ctor()18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: Disposing Plugins18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: Showing Taskbar18:37:43.0 1/14/2014: Unhiding Mouse Cursor any ideas? my database is attachedVisual Pinball.xml
  2. I would like to run VP tables with Vp standalone and also with pinballX. so in the table init I have LaunchBackGlass "whatevertable, True which works fine when launching from VP itself, but seems to confuse Pinballx. I used to set to false when using HyperPin, but have changed to loading many tables with just VP so I changed to True. I think I have an extra backglass loading when using pinballx. Is this true? any way to stop PinballX from loading backglass if already set to launch in script? I think it has something to do with files ending with _B2S which used to force loading of backglasses? I see a likke blue globe in hte system tray when I quit out of PinballX, but when I hover the mouse pointer over it, it disapears Great program, Thanks love the new video on the homepage
  3. Instead of a black loading screen that says loading, Can I have the playfield image that was on the screen stay there and overlay the loading on top? Only thing I dont like about pinball x. Great front end, thanks Tom
  4. 1.37 scrolling works for me now.
  5. I'm using pinballX 1.36, no scrolling in pinball manager. Also any way to have loading screen not blank out playfield when starting a table (overlay the loading on top of playfield or transparent) How do I tell what version I'm runing and how to check for updates
  6. can't get the game manager to run, it crashes right on startup. Win7 x64. any ideas?
  7. I tried that before posting, but I did resolve the issue by uninstalling PinballX and then reinstalling 1.28. All is well again. Thanks
  8. With the speed of the updates it will always say update (joking of course) actually 1.27 gives me a black screen only and I have to ctrl-Alt-Del. Was working fine with 1.22 (last version I ran) her is log 18:05:43.6 5/31/2013: PinballX - Version 1.2718:05:43.6 5/31/2013: Loading Settings18:05:43.6 5/31/2013: Initialize Component18:05:43.6 5/31/2013: Initialize Display18:05:43.8 5/31/2013: Created DirectX BackGlass Window18:05:43.8 5/31/2013: Hiding Cursor18:05:43.8 5/31/2013: Hiding Taskbar18:05:43.8 5/31/2013: Loading PlugIns18:05:43.8 5/31/2013: Load Game List18:05:43.8 5/31/2013: Loading Database: Visual Pinball18:05:43.8 5/31/2013: Loading Custom Database: VP favorites18:05:43.9 5/31/2013: Finding and matching artwork and videos18:05:46.0 5/31/2013: Initialize Audio18:05:46.1 5/31/2013: Set Keyboard Controls18:05:46.1 5/31/2013: Initialize Joystick18:05:46.1 5/31/2013: 1 Joystick Attached18:05:46.1 5/31/2013: Started18:05:56.5 5/31/2013: Exiting18:05:56.5 5/31/2013: Showing Taskbar18:05:56.5 5/31/2013: Unhiding Mouse Cursor18:05:56.5 5/31/2013: Disposing Plugins18:05:56.5 5/31/2013: Saving Settings
  9. A way to customize the menu screen (ie 70's, 80's ect) to include/exclude certain items) maybe check boxes to include/exclude in setup program ??? I would like future pinball and visual pinball options also. Also a way to include the menu screen or not upon launching of a table. If no menu upon launch just launch the table. Have a different key to bring up the option screen. Thanks incredible work so far and such fast improvements and bug fixes!!!!!
  10. I'm confused, do you set up Pinball FX2 like VP and FP with an XML file, if so what should it look like. If not how do I set this up. Thanks
  11. I also agree with only updated exe, or whatever else changes from version so no extra files are written. Maybe have to files a full install and a minimum install with just the changes. might be too much since it changes so often (not a complaint at all, love it). Thanks
  12. Thanks, your very quick at feature enhancements and fix!
  13. Can you please add the feature to capture playfield and backbox pictures. Thanks really going great so far.
  14. slydog43

    pinball fx2

    what should the xml file look like for pinball fx2 to work. Thanks. Or even the settings used. If you haven't checked out Pinball FX2 you should, its like a breath of fresh air in the pinball world, just a great addition to VP and FP.
  15. wow, such fast updates. I was about to ask for instructions in png as that is how I have all of mine, thanks!
  16. I figured it out, if you use a ps2 cable with an i-pac it will NOT repeat keys only a keydown and a key up state are detected. If you use a ps2 to usb cable then the repeat states are also detected. Sorry for any confusion on this issue as this was discussed years ago, I just forgot.
  17. which i-pac and how is it hooked up (via usb or ps2) as this is a know issue with i-pacs
  18. Thanks for the update, great job so far! This update seems to run much better on my system. Left Page Up seems to work fine now. My only problem now is the I-Pac not repeating key when holding down. Is this done using the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) system?
  19. When I press my previous page up button, it works right once or twice, but then does nothing. Skipping "down" to next letter works fine.
  20. I would like something along these lines also
  21. Great new front end, thanks!! will donate next paycheck. I'm using an i-pac with my flipper buttons hooked up to left and right shift. Problem is repeat is not happening. I say this myself in my own frontend written in vb.net wpf for fast rendering of wheel and playfield images (I assume you are using wpf also?) I had to implement a timer for key repeat when not using a real keyboard. Are others seeing this issue as well? Also can PnballX start on last game played? Thanks for another front end option.
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