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  1. startup sound, browsing, and table launch are not playing for me.
  2. Thanks for the response, will attach shortly. log.txt I have the same issue on 4 machines, they might have originated from 1 though (maybe something is messed up with it, years ago). I just miss the sounds
  3. I will buy a few beers to anyone who can figure this out!!!
  4. my ini is: [Display] Monitor=3 rotate=270 Windowed=False windowwidth=812 windowheight=457 windowx=543 windowy=752 PlayFieldBrightness=230 WheelTextColor=ffffffff WheelTextOutlineColor=ff000000 InfoTextColor=ffffffff InfoTextOutlineColor=ff000000 FilterTextColor=ffffffff FilterTextOutlineColor=ff000000 MenuColor=ffffa500 ShowDateAndTime=False WheelAutoCrop=False StretchUnderlay=False [BackGlass] monitor=2 x=0 y=0 width=1920 height=1080 AutoPositionB2S=False [DMD] Enabled=True monitor=1 x=0 y=0 width=1920 height=1080 AutoPositionPinMAME=False UsePinMAME=False [FileSystem] EnableFileMatching=False [Interface] UseTableLoadingMedia=True GIFbackgroundcolor=ff000000 DesktopModeEnabled=False EnableAdditionalDetail=True ShowSystem=True ShowRatings=True WheelOverlay=1 [Audio] StreamVolume=90 SampleVolume=90 PlaySoundInVideos=True [Startup] playsound=True playvideo=False StartWithWindows=No [KeyCodes] quit=27 left=37 right=39 select=13 rotate=82 pageleft=33 pageright=34 exitemulator=81 ingame=80 screenshot=83 capturevideos=86 instructions=73 volumedown=109 volumeup=107 credit=53 plunger=164 launch=50 [JoyCodes] quit=2 left=6 right=7 select=3 rotate= pageleft=4 pageright=5 exitemulator=2 ingame= instructions= launch= Credit= Plunger= [Text] All=All PlayGameTwoPlayer=Two Player Game Line1=Free Play Line2=Press Start Featuring=Featuring Tables=Tables PlayGame=Play Game Instructions=Instructions Information=Information Flyer=Flyer Gameplay=Gameplay Tutorial=Tutorial Promo=Promo ExitGame=Exit Game ReturnToGame=Return to Game Return=Return Exit=Exit Shutdown=Shutdown Favorite=Favorite Favorites=Favorites FavoritesAdd=Add To Favorites FavoritesRemove=Remove From Favorites MostPlayed=Most Played LastPlayed=Last Played Lists=Lists CapturingVideos=Capturing videos. Please wait. This will take several minutes. Ratings=Ratings HighScores=High Scores RateTable=Rate Table NotRated=Not Rated Systems=Systems RecentlyAdded=Recently Added Restart=Restart [FuturePinball] Enabled=False WorkingPath=h:\-PINBALL-\-FUTURE PINBALL- TablePath=h:\-PINBALL-\-FUTURE PINBALL-\Tables Executable=Future Pinball.exe Parameters=/open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender LaunchBeforeEnabled=false LaunchBeforeWorkingPath= LaunchBeforeExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=True LaunchAfterEnabled=False LaunchAfterWorkingPath= LaunchAfterExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchAfterHideWindow=False LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True MouseClickFocus=True [VisualPinball] Enabled=False WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball995.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" LaunchBeforeEnabled=false LaunchBeforeWorkingPath= LaunchBeforeExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=True LaunchAfterEnabled=False LaunchAfterWorkingPath= LaunchAfterExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchAfterHideWindow=False LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True AutoConfigure=False Bypass=False [ExitScreen] Enabled=True EnableExit=True EnableShutdown=True EnableRestart=True [StartupProgram] Enabled=false WorkingPath= Executable=notepad.exe Paramaters= HideWindow=true WaitForExit=false [ExitProgram] Enabled=false WorkingPath= Executable=notepad.exe Paramaters= HideWindow=False WaitForExit= [AttractMode] Enabled=True Timer=1 ShowFor=15 MuteAudio=False [System_1] Name=Visual Pinball 9.21 DT Enabled=True WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball921.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" SystemType=1 [AutoExit] Enabled=False Minutes=10 [Login] Enabled=True [PinballFX2] Enabled=False WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 226980 [TABLEFILE] Process=Pinball FX2.exe Rotate=False WaitFor=20 [PinballArcade] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 238260 Process=PinballArcade.exe WaitForSelect=50 [GameListManager] onlinemode=false [RealDMD] EnableColor=False Color=ffff1414 [PinballFX3] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 442120 "-table_[TABLEFILE]" Process=Pinball FX3.exe Rotate=False WaitFor=20 [Zaccaria] Enabled=False WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 444930 Process=ZaccariaPinball.exe [Topper] monitor=0 Enabled=True x=0 y=0 width=2560 height=1080 [VideoCapture] crf=21 KeysStartRecord=164|120 KeysEndRecord=164|120 Seconds=45 UseGPU=False [Internal] lastwheelcachematchsize=0 lastselected=Adventure Time - Rainy Day Daydeam (Original)(2022)(SS)(User42, Bigus, Rascal, Others)(1.0)Adventure Time - Rainy Day Daydeam (Original)(2022)(SS)(User42, Bigus, Rascal, Others)(1.0)System_8 filter_year= filter_company= filter_custom= filter_favorites=False filter_lastplayed=False filter_mostplayed=False filtername=Visual Pinball 10 Tables filter_rating=0 filter_system=Visual Pinball 10 filter_recentlyadded=False filter_filterini= lastwindirsize=4573504547571759 osname=Microsoft Windows 11 Pro cpucores=8 cpuname=AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor [Plugin_1] Enabled=False Name=PlugInLED.dll [Plugin_2] Enabled=False Name=PlugInSpeech.dll [Plugin_3] Enabled=False Name=QuickLaunch (PinballX Edition).dll [Plugin_4] Enabled=False Name=Xpadder Plugin.dll [Apron] monitor=7 [SetupWizard] EmuPath1=C:\Emulation\Emulators AssetPath1=C:\Emulation\Assets ROMPath1=C:\Emulation\ROMs DefaultPathPrompt=True DownloadDatabasePrompt=True DownloadEmulatorPrompt=True WizardMode=Basic SavePosition=False SearchText= EmulatorIndex=0 EmulatorGroupIndex=0 DaphneIndex=0 HTMLAppsIndex=0 ExternalAppsIndex=0 RadioStationsIndex=0 NewsFeedsIndex=0 MappedDrivesIndex=0 SystemIndex=7 ShowPanel=True FontSize=1 WindowSize=718, 891 WindowLocation=1523, 399 WindowState=Normal CustomArray= SearchArray= SectionIndex=5 [System_2] Name=Visual Pinball 9.21 FS Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball921.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [System_3] Name=Visual Pinball 9.9 Physics DT Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball99_PhysMod5_Updated.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [System_4] Name=Visual Pinball 9.9 Physics FS Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball99_PhysMod5_Updated.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [System_5] Name=Visual Pinball 9.9x Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball995.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [System_6] Name=Visual Pinball 9.9x DT WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball995.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" Enabled=True SystemType=1 [System_7] Name=Visual Pinball 9.9x FS Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinball995.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [System_8] Name=Visual Pinball 10 Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinballX64.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [System_9] Name=Visual Pinball 10 VR Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinballX_GL.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [System_10] Name=Visual Pinball 10 FSS Enabled=True SystemType=1 WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables Executable=VPinballX.exe Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" [frmInfo] Size=386, 322 Location=1689, 683 WindowState=0
  5. sorry, dont want to waste peoples time, but here is my log: 01:08:38.54 3/19/2025: PinballX Core - Version 6.58 x64 01:08:38.55 3/19/2025: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (16GB) 01:08:38.55 3/19/2025: Loading Settings 01:08:38.83 3/19/2025: Initialize Component 01:08:38.86 3/19/2025: Initialize Display 01:08:38.90 3/19/2025: Testing Flash engine. 01:08:38.95 3/19/2025: Loading PlugIns 01:08:39.19 3/19/2025: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 01:08:39.24 3/19/2025: Created DirectX DMD Window 01:08:39.29 3/19/2025: Created DirectX Topper Window 01:08:39.29 3/19/2025: Looking for startup images 01:08:39.64 3/19/2025: Hiding Cursor 01:08:39.66 3/19/2025: Hiding Taskbar 01:08:39.66 3/19/2025: Getting GPU and CPU Information 01:08:39.67 3/19/2025: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 01:08:39.67 3/19/2025: 8 cores, 16 threads 01:08:39.67 3/19/2025: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 01:08:39.67 3/19/2025: Displays: 4 01:08:39.67 3/19/2025: Load Game List 01:08:39.71 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.21 DT 01:08:39.72 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.21 FS 01:08:39.75 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.9 Physics DT 01:08:39.75 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.9 Physics FS 01:08:39.76 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.9x 01:08:39.85 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.9x DT 01:08:39.85 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 9.9x FS 01:08:39.94 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 10 01:08:40.10 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 10 VR 01:08:40.13 3/19/2025: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 10 FSS 01:08:40.15 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: Future Pinball Only 01:08:40.21 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: Joey Favs 01:08:40.23 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: PinUp Popper 01:08:40.25 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: SDS Arcade 01:08:40.25 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: SDS Favs 01:08:40.25 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: SDS VPinWorkShop 01:08:40.26 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: VPX Favs 01:08:40.27 3/19/2025: Loading Custom Database: VPX Unique 01:08:40.38 3/19/2025: Initial load gamelist took: 672ms 01:08:40.41 3/19/2025: Finding and matching artwork and videos 01:08:42.33 3/19/2025: Took: 1922ms 01:08:42.33 3/19/2025: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 01:08:42.82 3/19/2025: Real DMD Initialized 01:08:42.82 3/19/2025: Device: DMDDevice.dll 01:08:42.82 3/19/2025: Main display running full screen windowed. 01:08:42.86 3/19/2025: Loading Surfaces 01:08:42.94 3/19/2025: Finished Loading Surfaces 01:08:42.94 3/19/2025: Initialize Audio 01:08:42.99 3/19/2025: Set Keyboard Controls 01:08:42.99 3/19/2025: Initialize Joystick 01:08:43.11 3/19/2025: 2 Joysticks Attached 01:08:43.11 3/19/2025: Setting default net connection limit to 25 01:08:43.11 3/19/2025: Started 01:08:44.36 3/19/2025: Starting Real DMD Thread 01:08:46.50 3/19/2025: Shutting down XDMD 01:08:46.66 3/19/2025: Exiting 01:08:46.68 3/19/2025: Showing Taskbar 01:08:46.69 3/19/2025: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 01:08:46.72 3/19/2025: Disposing Plugins 01:08:46.72 3/19/2025: Saving Settings 01:08:47.85 3/19/2025: Bye
  6. as the title states, I have not startup sounds with this version. I have tried it on multiple machines, no sounds play. This is when installing onto of an older version if that helps. Thanks
  7. The media searching matching thing is now fixed (not sure what version, but the latest 6.29 works great for me) Thanks for all your help guys.
  8. I'm all good now, thanks guys. I do wish I didn't have to have DMDDevice64.dll in my PinballX dir, but at least everything seems to be working now. I also had to change the exact match in settings too (strange as all my filenames do match as I wrote a little database program to make my xml files for me from my system (I used to be a programmer). So the issue was I have to place a copy of my DMDDevice64.dll from VPinMAME dir to Pinballx dir and the loading would work fine then. Does everyone have to do this? It seems like PinballX thinks I have a real DMD without putting this file there. I would prefer not to have to update that dll everytime I update DMDDevice. Thanks for all your help.
  9. OMG, thanks scutters I am back up and running with turning on file matching, THANK YOU SIR, you are awesome. Update: I do still have 1 issue, I have a DMD screen on my playfield, anyway to hide that? Its not the same as the DMD monitor in my cab that is working fine by showing artwork for the specific table, the on on the playfield is just showing x-men or something always. Thanks Update2: I was able to hide the dmd window by copying over dmddevice.ini to pinballx and turning the virtual display off. Is there anyway to disable the DMDDevice stuff (I don't need it withing PinballX but want it for VPX? I can't seem to launch any table without issue now. (wow journey to update PinballX has been tough
  10. Not sure what is better, having blank artwork but loading PinballX or what I had before. So my problem now is I have no artwork loading for 6.23, but it does start up. Any ideas on this one? Thanks, have to be so close but strange as I didn't change anything in ini from 6.07 to 6.23 log-623.txt PinballX.ini XDMDlog.txt
  11. I finally got past that freezing screen. I copied over my DMDDevice64.dll from VPinMame to Pinballx dir and it now runs. I installed latest 6.23 and it runs, yeah!!!!!! (I don't have my table images or backglasses or dmd images working, but that should be an easy fix, thanks guys. I hope this can help others. I see a super small bug in the log 07:47:06.2 12/10/2024: Unitialize Real DMD Device should be Initialize Real DMD Device.
  12. Thanks for the reply, still trying to figure this out. I renamed my pinballx dir to pinballx_bak and tried to install PinballX 6.22, but got the same result. So I know its not my database stuff or media. I also see XDMDlog.txt has this: 07:31:00.9 12/10/2024: Initialize XDMD. Developed by Spesoft. 07:31:00.9 12/10/2024: Attempting to Initialize Real DMD Device 07:31:07.6 12/10/2024: Attempting to Initialize Real DMD Device I don't have a real DMD, could this be the issue (even though on 6.07 has the same log file. Update: Scutters, your awesome. I read through that other thread and decided to check that Real PinDMD box (I used to have one in the cab years ago). and I get a error on launch, but it then continues to the default screen, yeah. Just have to figure how to get rid of that error message. Getting close.
  13. Thanks for the reply, still trying to figure this out. I renamed my pinballx dir to pinballx_bak and tried to install PinballX 6.22, but got the same result. So I know its not my database stuff or media. I also see XDMDlog.txt has this: 07:31:00.9 12/10/2024: Initialize XDMD. Developed by Spesoft. 07:31:00.9 12/10/2024: Attempting to Initialize Real DMD Device 07:31:07.6 12/10/2024: Attempting to Initialize Real DMD Device I don't have a real DMD, could this be the issue (even though on 6.07 has the same log file.
  14. I also upgraded my nvidia driver to 12-05024 version. Not sure if its related as 607 works fine and 610 doesn't with same driver. Its just that the line says running main display running full screen windowed. When I installed the latest Nvidia driver my display order changed in windows and I had to change VPX to use a different monitor number for playfield. I thought it was related to the DMDDevice.dll, but everything seems fine. Very frustrating as I have many years of experience with VP and all its addons. I can't wait to figure this one out. Is there anyway to add more logging to PinballX, I want to see more between these log lines: Loading Game Statistics and Scores and Main display running full screen windowed. that 2nd line fails to get logged, but I do have restart the computer so maybe the log fails to close and write those lines. Thanks again.
  15. I have been away from the VP scene for about 1 year, last version of PinballX I had installed (main pincab) was 6.05. I upgraded B2S, VPinMame, DMDext, VP itself, and everything seemed great until I tried to upgrade to PinballX 6.22. I then went back and found that 6.07 will work on my system but nothing past that. PinballX just shows main loading screen and blanks out all my screens and stays there. Here are my 2 logs from working and non working. They differ from the line Main display running full screen windowed (if that helps). Any ideas, Thanks log-610.txt log-607.txt PinballX.ini
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