I have the same button arrangement (with the addition of a coin button), but my "Exit" button functions more as an "Exit menu" button: in PinballX, I have it set to bring up the menu with options to Exit or Shut Down, and in-game, I have it set to bring up the menu with options to either exit back to PinballX or return to the table. It seems like maybe there's a third option to both of those menus, but I can't think of what they would be, and I'm currently at work and can't refresh my memory. Anyway, those are two separate settings in the button config section of the PinballX setup, and I simply have them both assigned to the same key, which works fine because one applies only to in-game usage and the other only to out-of-game usage. Hope that makes sense. I know it's different than what you were doing in Hyperpin, but I think if you try it, you might find that it works well for you.