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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



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  1. THe AlternateExe tag works great apart from a 20 second delay to exit a table with an EXE other than standard VPinball.exe. It might be fixed in latest PBX release although I haven't had time to set it up yet.
  2. Some here incuding a VP10 (VPX) one: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=29431&p=328806
  3. Just to confirm that the camera mod does not modify the TPA code that is distributed. It just intercepts DiectX calls and injects it's code to take control of the in game camera, etc. In one of the interviews with Farsight it was even mentioned and they were fine with it, and FS employees have mentioned it in the posts in the TPA forums.
  4. Thanks for the info Lucky1. I was obviously barking up the wrong tree (or more likely in the wrong forest ). Cheers
  5. 30usd is it? - I will take 5 - please tell me your source of information. It's 85 USD plus 20 USD for uninsured post plus import taxes. I agree it is good value and I jumped on to support the PinDMD1 well before it was ready. I simply made the comment support was dropped.
  6. I wasn't referring to PinballX support Tom - what you give us lot in the community is awesome, and I don't see why you should support something for a niche few. I won't elaborate more, but I have issues purely with his support
  7. I would love to see PinDMD1 support, but unfortunately Russ dropped support to the early supporters of his PinDMD project like a ton of bricks ... all 100 of us.
  8. Hi Tom I have been using the workaround mentioned above but it is at times tempormental. Now with so many VPX table being available it would be great if the 20 second table exit can be fixed for the AlternateExe issue. I might be completely wrong but I was suspecting the issue might be with the VPAuto ahk script not looking for the correct exe when exiting. Is the source code available anywhere so I can take a look? - I am sure I remember seeing it at some point in the early versions of Pinball X (although maybe I decompiled it with exeTOAhk but that doesn't seem to work now). Cheers
  9. Many thanks Mace for the workaround. Sounds good. I will give it a go. Cheers
  10. Has anyone else used the AlternateExe XML tag, and experienced slow table exits?
  11. HiI have been away awhile and am just catching up with the new PinballX features. Some excellent additions so thanks Tom. One issue I am getting is REALLY SLOW slow exits from tables only when using an ''AlternateEXE' specified in the XML. It consistentlytakes about 20 seconds for me, whereas the 'normal' VP system exe exits take only 1-2 seconds. If I watch the task manager, as soon as I exit the 'AlternateEXE' visual pinball game, the VPinball EXE in question (eg: VPinaballX.exe)is killed straight away, so it is like PinballX is waiting for something else to occur. Is it something to do with VPAuto.exe maybe? I have pasted part of my log file here. One for the slow exits using the AlternateEXE and one for the default Visual Pinball system exe. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance. 'AlternateEXE' Table Exists - Really Slow=====================================================================================================================-- Exiting VP using an 'AlternateEXE' tag in XML (for example with VP10 exe or PM5 exe), is really slow--07:12:09.5 9/6/2015: PinballX - Version 2.0307:12:09.5 9/6/2015: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (3.4GB)07:12:09.5 9/6/2015: Loading Settings07:12:09.5 9/6/2015: Initialize Component07:12:09.5 9/6/2015: Initialize Display07:12:10.5 9/6/2015: Loading PlugIns07:12:10.5 9/6/2015: Could Not Load Plugin: 107:12:10.6 9/6/2015: Created DirectX BackGlass Window07:12:10.8 9/6/2015: Hiding Cursor07:12:10.8 9/6/2015: Hiding Taskbar07:12:10.8 9/6/2015: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz07:12:10.8 9/6/2015: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 48007:12:10.8 9/6/2015: Displays: 207:12:10.8 9/6/2015: Load Game List....07:13:41.2 9/6/2015: Disposing display07:13:42.4 9/6/2015: C:\Pinball\vpinballx.exe /play -"C:\Pinball\Tables\Gemini (Gottlieb 1977).vpx"07:13:42.4 9/6/2015: C:\HyperPin\vpauto.exe 07:13:47.8 9/6/2015: Hidden Visual Pinball Editor Window07:14:13.4 9/6/2015: Created DirectX BackGlass Window07:14:13.4 9/6/2015: Main display running full screen windowed.******** REALLY SLOW EXIT - about 20 seconds07:14:15.0 9/6/2015: Exit System Control Pressed07:14:36.0 9/6/2015: Created DirectX BackGlass Window07:14:36.0 9/6/2015: Main display running full screen windowed.07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: Exiting07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: Showing Taskbar07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: Unhiding Mouse Cursor07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: Launching Exit Program: SetPinballWall.bat07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: C:\HyperPin\Jukebox\PinJukeLaunch\SetPinballWall.bat 07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: Disposing Plugins07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: Saving Settings07:14:39.7 9/6/2015: ByeNormal VP9 Table - exits in 1-2 seconds =====================================================================================================================-- Normal VP9 Table - exits in 1-2 seconds--07:16:28.0 9/6/2015: PinballX - Version 2.0307:16:28.1 9/6/2015: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (3.4GB)07:16:28.1 9/6/2015: Loading Settings07:16:28.1 9/6/2015: Initialize Component07:16:28.1 9/6/2015: Initialize Display07:16:29.1 9/6/2015: Loading PlugIns07:16:29.1 9/6/2015: Could Not Load Plugin: 107:16:29.2 9/6/2015: Created DirectX BackGlass Window07:16:29.4 9/6/2015: Hiding Cursor07:16:29.4 9/6/2015: Hiding Taskbar07:16:29.4 9/6/2015: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz07:16:29.4 9/6/2015: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 48007:16:29.4 9/6/2015: Displays: 207:16:29.4 9/6/2015: Load Game List....07:16:38.8 9/6/2015: Disposing display07:16:40.0 9/6/2015: C:\Pinball\VPinball.exe /play -"C:\Pinball\Tables\Honey_FS_B2S.vpt"07:16:40.0 9/6/2015: C:\HyperPin\vpauto.exe 07:16:45.3 9/6/2015: Hidden Visual Pinball Editor Window07:16:50.7 9/6/2015: Created DirectX BackGlass Window07:16:50.7 9/6/2015: Main display running full screen windowed.******** QUICK EXIT - about 2 seconds07:16:52.2 9/6/2015: Exit System Control Pressed07:16:54.7 9/6/2015: Created DirectX BackGlass Window07:16:54.7 9/6/2015: Main display running full screen windowed.07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: Exiting07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: Showing Taskbar07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: Unhiding Mouse Cursor07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: Launching Exit Program: SetPinballWall.bat07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: C:\HyperPin\Jukebox\PinJukeLaunch\SetPinballWall.bat 07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: Disposing Plugins07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: Saving Settings07:16:58.2 9/6/2015: Bye
  12. Sorry to ask again, but just would like to know if more game lists will be supported in the future. If not I will try workaround like creating a AHK script to copy XML files I want for a PinballX session at start up. I donated to PinballX once and would be happy to do so again to get more bespoke list support.
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