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  1. But more with next Zed physic mod release. But
  2. Thanks, its much better
  3. Without PinballX KISS:72 Frames, With Pinballx 29 Frames: Windows 7 64bit, amd a8 - 5600K (4x3600 Mhz): Is there a way that FP gets faster (nearly as fast as without Pinballx? table videos are activated, music is on, but after loading FP: Use Pinballx so mach cpu resources? What can I do, to make my FP as fast as before? thanks
  4. Do you have asked Rave? The bam maker himself could help you and I think I can it and will it.
  5. Very beautiful done! Looks so good! Thank you
  6. Wonderful done, thankls very much there are other well done playfied videos for fx2: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?25542-Zen-Pinball-FX2-HyperPin-Videos-and-Snaps-released-at-EmuMovies. I hope, its allowed to post this link
  7. be careful with auto udate , maybe next version will not work correctly. Download it by reneaming the install.exe. So you can easy go back to previous version.
  8. In custum menu you can simply add differnt physic.exe (2.4, 2.5) only using ini file. So finally it's possible to start all tables which don.'t good work with newer physic exe (if newer exe is installed) and FINALY WITH BAM. Thats cool . Isn't it? So also it ist fine to make it simly possibble to decide, which table should start with BAM and which not. For such solution no more akh scribt is needed! thanks very much for your doing Only promlems with loading video, which have music. It semms shark don't want differnet comressed auduo or video samples starting in short way. Could it be solved with a preload system in ram,that Pinballx or the players recognizes which codec is needed. For me, it is a modern altnative to hyperpin and doing everything without great knowledge about fplaunch and akh scribts. Very userfriedly done. Only freater problems are video and audio combinations at the same time (for eample backglass video and table video at the same time: So sometimes audio is not closed and table image disappears.( I am unsing Shark 32 and 64 bit). 2months ago what was for user difficult or not possible, you just solved for that . My Respect
  9. Skinooe


    Mp3 works perfekt in Ambience Dir
  10. Skinooe

    Future Pinball

    MP3 Music for Ambience wonderful! So all tables are loading -very, very fast with older PC. Difference between HP und the new one: between 10 sec till 1 minute. And no more Memory leaks It seem I have birthday. In my first post I said, some tables will not load, mistake (early I used bad Data manager, now all is right). I would recommend anyone this program. I've been thrown to the trash HP.
  11. Skinooe


    It is possible to pass each tabe a mp3 file and till after ending the loading screen? Or whats abput to select in menu only fp or only vp?
  12. Skinooe

    Future Pinball

    Programm i fast, beautiful and also for beginners Gratulation Some tables of FP won't load. For Example AFM with Ledwiz support or slamtilts Avatar Ultra. Database is o.k.,Directory is o.k. with Hyperpin tables are working 12:40:07.5 22.05.2013: PinballX - Version 1.00 12:40:07.5 22.05.2013: Loading Settings 12:40:07.5 22.05.2013: Hiding Cursor 12:40:07.5 22.05.2013: Hiding Taskbar 12:40:07.5 22.05.2013: Initialize Component 12:40:07.5 22.05.2013: Load Game List 12:40:09.0 22.05.2013: Initialize Display 12:40:09.6 22.05.2013: Initialize Audio 12:40:09.6 22.05.2013: Set Keyboard Controls 12:40:09.7 22.05.2013: Initialize Joystick 12:40:09.7 22.05.2013: 1 Joystick Attached 12:40:09.7 22.05.2013: Started 12:40:22.3 22.05.2013: Exiting 12:40:22.7 22.05.2013: Showing Taskbar 12:40:22.7 22.05.2013: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 12:40:22.7 22.05.2013: Saving Settings video start, but not FP (other Tables in FP work great):12:45:18.1 22.05.2013: PinballX - Version 1.00 12:45:18.1 22.05.2013: Loading Settings 12:45:18.1 22.05.2013: Hiding Cursor 12:45:18.1 22.05.2013: Hiding Taskbar 12:45:18.1 22.05.2013: Initialize Component 12:45:18.2 22.05.2013: Load Game List 12:45:19.6 22.05.2013: Initialize Display 12:45:20.3 22.05.2013: Initialize Audio 12:45:20.3 22.05.2013: Set Keyboard Controls 12:45:20.3 22.05.2013: Initialize Joystick 12:45:20.3 22.05.2013: 1 Joystick Attached 12:45:20.3 22.05.2013: Started 12:45:26.4 22.05.2013: D:\Games\Future Pinball\BAM\\Future Pinball.exe /open "D:\Games\Future Pinball\Tables\\ArcadeMayhem.fpt" /play /exit/ 12:46:22.0 22.05.2013: Exiting 12:46:22.4 22.05.2013: Showing Taskbar 12:46:22.4 22.05.2013: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 12:46:22.5 22.05.2013: Saving Settings All tables are in the same Dir, for some Table in FP loadingscree is very short and then the eorro massage (Attache file), this message disapears after loading the table: I think the loading screen is too short, maybethe programm needs more pause input (there are some tables which are loading over 1 minute like Tron, Stern) My System: windows 7 64bit, amd quardcore,4 GB ram It seems FP (with or without bam don't start with some tables.. Greetings an much thanks Karl Dirnstorfer Future Pinball.xml
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