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  1. How could I have doubted? Good work as usual, thanks Tom!
  2. Good! But can I upgrade the GAMEEX version even if I still use the MAME 0.148? It can create some trouble with my current neogeo list? Bye!
  3. Ok, thanks for the answer. I've tried to use the theme editor but it can't create a theme with the same features of default theme (for example). Or, perhaps, i'm not good enough for this work (i don't want exclude that...) Bye!
  4. Hi, is there a way for showing a particular clone instead the parent game when i've turned off all clones? Bye!
  5. Hi, i would have three requests: 1) A menu item that can be opened only entering a code. It would be great if is in arcade-style (like when we insert our name for the highscore: _ _ _ ). I would use this feature for protecting "update game list" and other things. 2) I know that i've asked this other times in the past but i'd really like more support for the 640x480 and 800x600 layout themes. In particular i'd want a default theme version (i like it) for 640x480 resolution. 3) Other thing that i've already asked but I take this opportunity for repeat it. I'd really like an autolaunch feature (only for mame if too difficult) of 1 game chosen before between all games. Anyway keep it up! you are strong! Bye!
  6. Resolved. Thanks!
  7. Ok thanks! It is just my case. I have installed another version for some test...
  8. Hi, when gameex asks to me of update its version, where does it install the update? I have to put the folder of gameex in a basic place like "D:\GameEx". Iìd to know that because when I let do the update it doesn't happen anything and then I have to do the update again & again. Here there are my inis: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13419-resolved-problem-with-3d-cabinet-and-enlargement-of-the-snaps/#entry109559 Bye!
  9. I've almost resolved all my issues. It remains only the problem that i have for KOF XIII and SPICA ADVENTURE. I launch them and they run under GameEx (the focus remains on GameEx). Do you have any idea for solving that problem? Thanks!
  10. MAKARON (NAOMI): Updated #55 with the correction of the JVS.ini for playing with 2 players on the same keyboard. I've removed the KEY_0x36 = COIN2 because it created conflict with the following 2P keys.
  11. Finally! I've found the solution (i was very close to madness!! DirectX, Framework, C++, everything!). It all depended on the depth of monitor colours. I have set on 16 bit instead 32 bit.... With 32 bit no problem. Actually I would need to keep 16 bit colours because the compatibility with some TTX games. Could Tom fix this thing if not too complicate? Well, how can i add to the title of the thread a RESOLVED mark? Thanks DazzleHP!
  12. My pc is: W7 64bit, Dual core 3 GHz, 4gb ram, GeForce 9500 gt, 320 gb HD. It happens with all game, not only those with the 3D cabinet. Happens even with the non-MAME games. Simply i can't enlarge any media. If i try two or three times i get a crash and the error as above.
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