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stigzler last won the day on February 21 2023

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About stigzler

  • Birthday 01/17/1974

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  1. Absolute catastrophe. Server died. Can't reinstall. 10TB of disks sat useless. Entire setup trashed. I loathe computers.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. stigzler


      Yeah - taking my life into my own hands and downloading an English image from a torrent as we speak - that is in the absence of any kind of support from M$ what so ever (despite paying a lot of money for their OS). No downloadable image available - wtf!? All kosha too - have my licence key etc. 

      Got the iso/usb install thing down eventually, although that was incredibly unreliable and mysterious.  And of course, like everything else on the web - everyone's an expert and no=one's wrong (folllowing 4 bad installation guides b4 finding an accurate one!)

      thanks t for the backup though - seriously gutted after so much hard work (read: years!)

    3. imagamejunky


      man that sucks!!

      sorry bro

    4. stigzler


      sure does, chap. And only getting worse. Did source a UK image, but no just simply wont install for s***. Wondering whether it's hardware. Terrible do, given that I do need to get it reinstalled somehow to restore 15 years worth of files. 

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