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  1. OK, so YES, there's a mame.ini in there. Could someone also tell me what these options are, and what the possible values are, and what those values would do: ## CORE SOUND OPTIONS#sound 1samplerate 48000samples 1volume 0volume_adjust -18 (NOTE, I made it -18, it was at 0 originally, i just changed that a few minutes ago to see if it changed the sounds, but it didn't)## WINDOWS SOUND OPTIONS#audio_latency 2audio_sync 0 Thanks!mame.ini
  2. I think so, let me check and get back to you. Annoying part: the sound is now jacked up to highest volume all of a sudden. I'm not sure what the heck is going on, but this is super frustrating. Apparently I have to choose between EAR EXPLODING LOUD or MUTE functionally Sigh.
  3. UPDATE+++++ So I set Attract Mode to use sound. After one day of having attract mode running with sound, the games no longer have -32 as their volume. So I think I can confirm that YES, attract mode seems to override the default MAME rom volume settings. WEIRD TWIST+++++ Even though I set attract mode sound to being on, sometimes attract mode uses NO sound at all. Nothing straightforward here.
  4. UPDATE++++++++++ Ok so I deleted the .ini files (thank you for the advice!) and it worked. The ini files were recreated and the sound came back. BUT.... TRAGIC FLAW: It's happening again. For whatever reason, after some time the default volume in the ini files is going back to -32, which again means no sound. I have no idea why this is happening. I have not touched the settings etc. The only guess I have is that since the screensaver / attract mode is set to no volume, that somehow when the system goes into screensaver mode, it is rewriting all the ini files with -32. Does that sound plausible??? Does that mean I need to turn off the no volume option in attract mode? Slowly losing my mind, but thankful for the help. -D
  5. Ok, I'm going to back them up just in case. This thing has bitten me in the butt too many times!
  6. Ah so deleting them will just get them recreated automatically, right? Thanks!
  7. Hi all, So I confirmed that there was only one sound card, so that's not the problem. Here's the weirdness: I started going through all the ini files for all the roms, and sure enough, in each one, the volume was set to -32 (which is functional zero). Now, I have NO idea how they got that way. I can certainly update them one by one and bring the volume to 0 (functional full volume) but I would love to know if there's a way to do that simultaneously for all my roms. Second, I'd love to know how that even happened. The roms were -fine- before, playing at full sound through mame, mameplus, and gameex (with mameplus backend). Then, the hard reboot, and now everything is set to volume -32. I mean. how does that happen??? Does anyone know what could have done that?? And how to prevent it? And again, how to batch fix all those roms? I'm sure glad I only have about 40! -D
  8. Hm, i have a ton of cfg files int there, most seem game related. The ones I am opening up don't have any volume or sound info. What am I looking for as far as files go? SOOO FRUSTRATING!!! Thank you for the help.
  9. Hi Tempest. In the mame.ini, volume is set to 0 There is also a line beneath it that reads "volume adjustment" which is also set to 0. Ny ideas???
  10. Tempest, will do. I'm fairly sure this is not a GameEx issue. When I run MamePlus! on its own, the same problem happens. Unless GameEx can somehow alter the generic Mame configuration files? When I run an actual rom, I am able to use the ~ key to get to the config menu for that rom. IN THERE I can go to the SLIDE CONTROLS menu and actually bring the volume up. The default is -32b. But it doesn't stick. If I restart the game, the sound is gone again. Does anyone happen to know in what support file for Mame (or mamePlus) I can mess around with default volume settings? I'm sure it's in there someplace! I don't want to have to do it for each game individually, so I'm hoping I wouldn't have to.
  11. Updated info: Within a mame game, i can get to the config screen and go to SLIDER CONTROLS. Each game now has the default volume as "-32db" I can adjust that and get the sound working, but it only lasts for that one game session. If i exit the game, it goes back to no sound. SOOOoo I am guessing mame (I am using mamep / mameplus) has has a Master Volume control that I can set someplace..... where can I do that???? I am sure I am on to something here.
  12. Hi guys, I think this is more of a MAME question, but hoping you guys can answer: I had to hard reboot my system after an unrelated program froze on me. When I restared Gameex, I noticed that the sound in my games no longer works. The sound in GameEx (menu sounds etc) work fine though. I went through configuration editor and made sure the volume was set to 100, but no luck. Anyone know why this would have happened? The sounds were fine before the reboot, but now, not a peep. It's also possible I hit some kind of keyboard combo that muted them??? I guess??? Not sure about that. Anyway, any insight would be appreciated. Any ideas how I can fix this? -D
  13. On the icons: can I just delete them?
  14. So do the snaps need the same file name? Like if its Game1.zip (for the rom) the snap needs to be Game1.png?
  15. Will do. Thank you!
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