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This is a pre-release beta for testing. Please report bugs and problems here along with your PluginLCD.log file (located in GameEx\PLUGINS\PluginLCD).

Some options do not work. Sorry but I need to get this released so testing can start. The final version will be released along with GameEx eventually.


I think its pretty inconsiderate of you to post this before I have to go to work. Now I have to take a half day off work just to play. You could be a little more focused on what you are doing please. :wacko:

Errrr, I mean, I love taking off work almost as much as I love your additions to GameEx. VERY COOL!!! Thanks Headkaze!!!!!


  hansolo77 said:
Quick Question.. can I configure this to use the VFD built into my Media Center's case?

In most cases, I think the answer will be yes. I had a Silverstone LM10 or something a while back and I successfully tested it's VFD with an earlier version of the plugin. Can't remember the exact details, but Smartie worked fine also.. was fairly standard.




I spent a few hours configuring and trying out the new plugin, I must say it really is fantastic, thanks for you great work Headkaze

A few bugs for you:

Even if I have the sound unticked in the options screen I still get the womans "Starting GameEx" voice and the mans emulator names voice, if I turn the volume down in the options that takes away the mans voice but I still get the various womans voices

Disabling an event doesn't seem to work, I tried turning off all the speech events but when you load it again they're all enabled again

Finally, I had an emulator call "GameBoy Mono\Colour" but when I tried to save a custom colour layout for my LEDs it never saved, it always reverted back to my custom GameEx profile, to fix this I had to rename my emulator in GameEx to "GameBoy Mono & Colour", not a big deal just thought you should be aware

Apart from that everything I've done has worked great




Version 2.1 Released

- Added random Sample/Speech events.

- Various bug fixes

hansolo: Is this VFD use a standard protocol? How do applications communicate to it? I will be adding a custom LCD so you can actually manually put in the header and footer data so if it communicates through standard COM port it should be fine.

Scorpius: Yes this is the first plugin to support PACDrive.

PimpDaddyStu: Thanks for taking the time to report back the bugs. All these have been addressed in version 2.1 you can download from the first post.

Also those womans voices are actually samples. So you can either turn off the Sample event or turn of Samples globally.



Once again during work... Time to get sick and get outta this place! Thanks Headkaze.

One suggestion if I may... I have a 27" tv in my cabinet. When I select configure on the LED plugin from the Plugins main menu, the window that opens is not re-sizable. I realize that his is a minor issue, but I end up having to move the window around quite a bit to see the buttons at the bottom and to be able to select one (save and exit). I realize a part of this is the resolution that I run windows in (very poor resolution but its the best I can do). Just curious if the window can be resized at all?

Love the program so far. Didn't get much time to play yet, but hopefully tonight and this weekend.


Okay it's back up and to whoever downloaded a few minutes ago I accidently uploaded the wrong version. This one should be okay now (as far as the bug I mentioned in my last post), so please report any new bugs here.

I'm not sure about doing the form resizing just yet, maybe in the future.

  headkaze said:
I'm not sure about doing the form resizing just yet, maybe in the future.

Thanks. It's not a big deal but it would make it easier. Certainly doesn't stop me from using it.


If your getting a button mysteriously not lighting up for a Mame game (Eg. 1942's Button 1) make sure your map Black to be 49,49,49 (white) in Options 2 page so it will show up. I nearly got fooled into thinking it was a bug for a sec there.


which mame-games support keyboard-leds (uses the keyboard LED's (e.g. numlock light) to simulate the LED's on an arcade board)... is there any option to activate this feature in gameex or in your plugin (in mameoptions I already selected "use keyboardled").



  headkaze said:
hansolo: Is this VFD use a standard protocol? How do applications communicate to it? I will be adding a custom LCD so you can actually manually put in the header and footer data so if it communicates through standard COM port it should be fine.

I don't really know. It works through USB, and is controlled with irTrans software.


You shouldn't need to fiddle in controls.xml anymore. Everything is overridable in the profile setup. It works like this

GameEx Default Profile -> Emulator Default Profile -> (MAME: Control Mapping using Controls.xml/Colors.ini etc) -> Game Profile

So as you can see a game specific control mapping allows you to override anything in controls.xml all from inside the GUI.


I'm not sure why alexdog asked this question in PM, but I'll post it here so everyone can hear the reply

Is it possible to change the 'default' color set up ?

i.e. when nothing in terms of color is being specifically requested by any of the sub systems (attract mode or game specific lighting).... the buttons are all on, and white. is it possible to reconfigure this 'idle state' ?

what do you think about a way to enable the audio visualization mode as a substitute for this 'idle state' ?

perhaps some option to do both (set idle state in gameex, but enable audio input as idle during jukebox + emu usage)

Yes, the default color set up is under profiles -> GameEx -> Default.

  chris77 said:
which mame-games support keyboard-leds (uses the keyboard LED's (e.g. numlock light) to simulate the LED's on an arcade board)... is there any option to activate this feature in gameex or in your plugin (in mameoptions I already selected "use keyboardled").



Check out ledutil.exe that comes with Mame. You run it in the background and it can direct output to keyboard LED's.

My plugin redirects Mame outputs to LCD's or LED's but not the keyboard LED's.

  headkaze said:
Check out ledutil.exe that comes with Mame. You run it in the background and it can direct output to keyboard LED's.

My plugin redirects Mame outputs to LCD's or LED's but not the keyboard LED's.

there is a blinkin startbutton when you insert a coin (e.g. in asteroids and many other games).

and is there a possibility for "ingame-event-buttons" (e.g. tiger heli "bomb-button" blinks when pressing it)?

is there any way to activate this (with your plugin)? it would be perfect! :)



  headkaze said:
You shouldn't need to fiddle in controls.xml anymore. Everything is overridable in the profile setup. It works like this

GameEx Default Profile -> Emulator Default Profile -> (MAME: Control Mapping using Controls.xml/Colors.ini etc) -> Game Profile

So as you can see a game specific control mapping allows you to override anything in controls.xml all from inside the GUI.

Ah, I didnt think of that.... Very nice. WOW. I mean, its instant gratification if you will that you have it the way you want it.


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