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I think this is a bug - if I leave GameEx on the start menu and it goes into attract mode and starts MAME, when I exit out it goes to the MAME Select menu but shows the start menu items.

This causes some oddities because of the way I did my logo's for my start menu and I think it's unintended. Not entirely sure.


Hmm, another issue I don't have. When I exit attract mode it goes back to whatever screen it was on prior to that.


Hrm...odd. This is occuring on the computer I'm doing theme development on - which I have gameex running windows on...so...might be related to that.

It's definitely not dropping back to my standard start layout - it looks completely different than everything else and that's the reason I caught it.

Trying to repeat right now to ensure it wasn't an odd load or something...

OK - try having attact mode start from within the "MAME Select" menu (not game list or start) and see where it drops back to then....this is where it seems to be doing it. Hitting esc to get out of attact drops it back a level, but the layout doesn't change.


It may be that it's not picking up on your custom layouts (if the screen you were on was using them I mean). Not sure though. Once in a while if I'm on an emu it drops back to the emubak.png instead of the custom emubak.png I have assigned for that emulator. This usually happens to me when I exit a game... Not always but sometimes.

Just a thought if you were gonna try and duplicate the issue.

I use any button really. Backspace, select, mouse clicks if I use the trackball. Any button should exit attract mode AFAIK.


Hrm...definitely not dropping back to emubak...that's yet another layout. (There not all that different, but one or two background items change between the main layouts)

I'll have to screw around with it when I have more time and see...looks like the list of mame gamelists screen is the only one where I've seen it occur...thus far.

  • 3 weeks later...

Can the OP confirm this is fixed please? :)

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