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3 Screenshots

About This File

PINemHi LeaderBoard is a program that catches the score and specialscores from player 1

The normal score doesn't have to be on the hiscore table of the game, even scores like 1000 can be submitted.

Special scores however can only be submitted if they are over the score of the hiscore table.

Special scores are for instance , 20 loops (back to the future) or 50 martians killed (attack from mars) and so on...

If you wanna go for SPECIAL SCORES the use of a new,clean nvram might be handy as you can get the scores more easy (especially helpful when trying to get a challenge)

If you have a nice score, just don't start a new game but just quit the game, PINemHi LeaderBoard will do the rest.

When quitting a game you don't have to rush , just as long as you don't start a new game the score(s) can be retrieved.



Did you know you can do challenges and level up when completing them using the website (www.pinemhi.com/hiscores.php)

Did you know you can earn badges by achieving things

*** 3 different levels of challenges....kiddie, leaderboard and InSaNe..... ***

*** 40 badges in total (for now) ***

We have CUP Standings !!!

You can make all kind of queries on the database using the pulldown menu's , from the top 10 to the top 100 per table or just your scores on the table.

What's New in Version 1.3.1   See changelog


  • Version 1.3.1
  • Scores being submitted are on gamename rather than on tablename
  • Added a bunch of games (including new STERN games (sam)
  • Compatible with vpinmame 3.0
  • Version 1.1
  • Added support for Future Pinball Games
  • bugfix special scores are the previous score values
  • ------------
  • Version 1.0
  • Plugin for PinballX released
  • see PINemHi LeaderBoard.xml for supported games

PINemHi Leaderboard Plugin for pinballx Version 1.3.1.zipFetching info...

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