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Configuring Windows Screen Saver, Power Management, and Primary Display

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Hi. It took me quite a while to get my computer set up the way I wanted it in order to run GameEx.

I figured I'd post my setup to make it easier for others with similar setups.

I have only one computer. When in normal use, I want the monitor to be the primary display, and have a screen saver and power management enabled. When used for GameEx, I want the TV to be primary display, and have the Windows screen saver and power management disabled.

Here is the batch file I run to accomplish this:

rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 1 dualview TA AA

regedit /s "c:\program files\gameex\utils\ssdis.reg"

"c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe" /s 2 /n

"c:\program files\gameex\gameex.exe"

"c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe" /s 0 /n

regedit /s "c:\program files\gameex\utils\ssen.reg"

rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 1 dualview AA TA

Lines 1&7 are command line invocations of nView to switch the primary display (only useful with Nvidia graphic cards) - gleaned from: http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9392

Lines 2&6 edit the registry to (dis/en)able the Windows screen saver

gleaned from: http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-10877_11-5572452.html

Lines 3&5 (dis/en)able Windows power management

gleaned from: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=324347

It's been working well for me so far. There is one odd thing. I have display2 configured as being to the left of display1. After using this batch file it gets set back to the default of being to the right of display1.

I save the batch file in the utils folder I created, then make a shortcut and place it on my desktop. In the shortcut's properties, I assign it a shortcut key. I map this shortcut to my Logitech Wireless Rumblepad2, using it's software (http://www.wingmanteam.com/latest_software/latest_soft_xp.htm) and now I can launch GameEx from the living room. This part sometimes doesn't work, I am still trying to figure out why.


You've done a good job of getting where you are now. Perhaps you need to check out the Registry using RegMon when you move display2 to the left or the right of display1 and click apply. You should be able to see the settings being applied to registry, then export those as another .reg file to make sure the monitor is positioned where you want.

Not sure about the shortcut key problem, but I believe a small script made with Autohotkey could solve this problem. It has a very good scripting system and should have everything you need. You may also need PPJoyKey to register the Rumblepad2 as a keystroke.

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