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I'm been setting up gamebase with all my emulators and this has been working really great with gameex, but does anyone know if its possible for gameex to read videosnaps which I setup within gamebase. I realise there is no official videosnap option in gamebase and I would need to add these as extras. I was just wondering if there was a work around or hack for gameex to read videosnaps?




Its not currently supported, but I agree it would be a cool feature. The main issue is that GameBase follows its own name convention so GameEx would have to have some logic for mathcing games to videos,


Hi Tom,

Thanks for getting back to me. I notice that within gamebase, it knows that its a video when you add an extra of this type (as it changes the icon of the extra to a little film reel)... So am thinking that either gameex could read the gamebase database and see if any of the extras have a certain file extension (and maybe just display the first one it finds as the videosnap) - or maybe even just make it a rule of thumb if the extra is named "avisnap" that this becomes the videosnap.

I realise that this would be something for a future version, but I really think it would it would be a nice feature to have. I really prefer to use gamebase for setting up my emulators, and its easier to play about with your extras, and also for setting up different emulators for different games (for example with the playstation where some games work better in different emulators).

Again thanks for the reply Tom.





Sorry to keep creating threads about gamebase and gameex, but am just wondering if there is any documentation on what is supported and whats not. I know that video snaps are not at the moment, but I'm finding it difficult getting gameex to read some of my gamebases, below is an example:

I have the nes gamebase which I grabbed from the gamebase forums, now it works great, I can see all extras, for example manual, box front, box back, catridge, however I have created my own gamebase for the playstation, and I've setup the same extras and named them the same, but I can only see the manual once I select the game. I'm wondering if gameex has custom configurations for certain gamebases, or if it supports any custom gamebase? and is so is there strict naming conventions that I must follow?

Again I'm sorry about the gamebase threads I've been creating of late...




So as not to have pretty much the same thread showing repeatedly, I took the liberty of merging the first with the second for the sake of continuity.

  • 2 years later...

I'm trying to link the Vic20 and Commodore 64 video snaps from emumovies to the Gamebase setup that I have set up so nicely in GameEx.

I'm hoping Tom that there is some straightforward method that you're about to implement, perhaps if someone created a map file to connect the video snap file name to the Gamebase ROM name, which would allow the Gamebase to over-ride the still snaps and defer to the video snap when available. This wouldn't be too crazy and it would be so nice to have the Gamebases working with video snaps!

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