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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. In the end, it seems like this was sort of swept under the rug. I used the lastpass https://lastpass.com/heartbleed/ site to assist determining if there was a possible breach on sites I use, and nearly everyone had old certificates. Some of them not real old, but old enough never the less. The popular consensuses was to "wait to hear from these institutions", and guess what? I haven't heard from any of them! So did they determine that they didn't have any possible problems, or just kept their mouth shut to limit the possible exposure any type of revelation might bring?
  2. Good point! I completely brain farted the construction aspect. A fine example of how it pays to ask questions!
  3. Thanks for the input, makes sense that you really won't know what you're dealing with until you've got it. Would seemingly make it difficult to plan a cab that wouldn't take some modification if you had to change screens in the event your original failed, or least it would seem Would a plasma set work here, or should you stick strictly to LCD. From a layman, it would appear the 600 mhz refresh rate on a plasma would make for some silky smooth game play.
  4. Calm down, it's not like he's painting Princess Bitch on the cab! 8)
  5. I never realized that was him in Mario Bros., but I never watched that movie either. Eddie Valiant is the character I remember him most for. Sad news indeed!
  6. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/04/disney-announces-the-star-wars-episode-vii-leading-cast/ http://starwars.com/news/star-wars-episode-7-cast-announced.html Ironically this news comes on the same day X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter was originally released. Perhaps this is a good sign of a return to old form!
  7. Same here, but it must be somethng special!
  8. My point exactly!
  9. Well I'm looking forward to it for certian. That said, I believe it reasonable to expect things don't always go as planned, and the community here is completely understaning of that. In doing some reading elsewhere, I've noticed that "Evolution" has stirred some active threads. There are most assuradly others watching for its release as well as just us wanting to load it up right away. On another note, I've noticed some odd things about the ad driven content here. While posting my DVD/Blu Ray thread I was almost immediately greeted with a CyberLink DVD advertisement. Replying to the "Boldly Going" thread presented me with some type of roto rooter ad.
  10. Woohoo
  11. Cool, thanks for the info!
  12. Late no doubt, but it's good to see everyone enjoyed a nice Easter!
  13. We'll I was just coming back here, as a little reading seems to have answered my question. "Advanced all formats Video Player with support for different audio and subtitle streams" Super cool! Thanks for the input guys!
  14. My ignorance will be glaring here, but here goes. This leads me to believe that Game EX has it's own buitl player, and these codecs are recommended as they work on it, as well as others?
  15. hah! This is probably a precursor to "ET Returns!" Steven Spielberg intentionaly tipped them off to the exact site where he had previously demanded Atari bury these unworthy game cartridges!
  16. Truth be known, a lot of movie games are average at best. Let's face it, some of them just suck too! I find it funny that some people think it caused Atari's demise. Perhaps that console was at the end of its life cycle, and that's all it was. I do remember standing in line at Sears the Christmas after the 2600 launched, patiently waiting for my turn to play space invaders. While it was a good substitute for that game, it still paled in comparision to the walls of greatness that eagerly awaited your last quarter at the local Shakey's Pizza. Arcades had no equal in the day!
  17. hmmm, what am I missing? I didn't know these were recommended. Nice to see there is a 64bit version too. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  18. You know what those guys are thinking, right? These babies are gonna be on ebay tonight!!!
  19. So I bought three versions of Windows 8 Pro early on when MS was making it attractive to do so on the cheap. I figured I would run it for my HTPC, M-ulator, and eventually my gaming rig. Anyway, right around this same time they offered the pro pack with media center, so I grabbed keys for each OS, but only had time to get one box loaded before the 1-31-13 deadline. Fast forward to yesterday, and I'm finishing applying the 8.1 update, and figure I'll plug i the key and see if it works. "The key is good", I'm thinking cool, and let it roll on with the install. Being a prime example of were not searching bit me in the arse, as soon as it reboots I'm greeted with the dreaded windows version in the lower right corner. $%@ *#@!) MS, couldn't just say something like "invalid key", no let me install the whole enchilada only to find out it just bombed the whole installation. On the other hand, I accept responsibility for trying to use something I knew had passed the offer deadline. For those interested, 8.1 is right at 4 GIG's, do yourself a favor and go to one of the Microsoft partner sites like digital river, and grab a new .iso vs. suffering though step upgrades on a clean install. /end rant I don't think media center is the be all to end all, but at the same time it just works, and if it makes things easier for my wife, then it makes my life easier. Anyway short of just dropping $10 on this, is anyone experienced with some of the newer players like potplayer, or SMPlayer? I've used VLC for years, and like it, but I've never used it in a home theater setting. I'm looking for something that takes advantage of hardware acceleration via a HD-6770, and also supports 7.1. Potplayer says I need some Direct X runtime, and links to a rather dated file from 2010/11. Being Microsoft, and DirectX I'm a little concerned installing something that old on their newest OS. In short, I don't need anymore practice installing this OS! Thanks
  20. I read right over this in the inbox yesterday. I've never played a Indie game to my knowledge.....perhaps I should give one a shot sometime. Then again, with the backlog I already have, I'm not sure when I might have "sometime"
  21. I'm getting excited for sure, and as I sit here and load up the machine that will be the heart of my rig, I'm just not sure I can hold out for the Evolution to start. Guess I better concentrate on my pedestal first. I'm glad I came to my senses, and found my way back over here! Thanks to all involved for the hard work!
  22. tthurman

    Slow run

    I will likely offer very little, if anything in the way of help, but I'm curious, that's all! You guys are the pro's here, I'm only starting to learn.
  23. Wait a minute, Hansolo can't be a Trekkie!
  24. tthurman

    Slow run

    32 or 64 bit OS?
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