Hallo! And welcome to the forum! As far as I know, GameBase isn't engineered to play video, and since GameEx basically reads and displays GB databases and related file, I'm afraid the answer to your question is no, at the moment. In fact there is no place to set up your video snaps in GameEx, because GameBase doesn't read videos. If GB would have read videos, GameEx would have automatically read them too. But this could be an interesting new feature: ability to set up custom art paths for GameBase and, if a file is present in one of these paths, use this instead of the original. So, in case of a video, GameEx could play it with its internal engine. If you are interested in new features, post a request in this thread so that Tom (the programmer) can read it. Actually GameEx works very happily with GameBase in an automated way. Provided that GameBase has been properly configured, just run Setup Wizard, enable GameBase support and indicate your GB directory and you're done. Cheers, Alpha.