Music theory - bleh I've never had a lesson, can't read music for dumplings and i play the D chord "wrong". Yet i can nail a song after hearing it 2-3 times, by ear, it just flows out. I have a feeling if my brain was full of "properisms" it would take a lot longer. I've also been bitched at 100's of times by "educated" guitarists about the way i play the D chord, yet my chord switching is smoother than any of them, go figure. I know i sound big headed there, but it's not my intention at all. The point i'm making is if you have it you have it. And any one who says you are wrong for doing things your own way is an idiot If it sounds rocking you nailed it. That's all that matters. I'm still tempted to try Rocksmith though, even if it is to just PWN it as null puts it hehehe Does anyone know if you have to have the special usb lead for it to work though? i have a custom cable i had made years ago for plugging my guitar into my PC, would be cool if that worked. @Draco, yeah Epiphones are not bad guitars at all for what they are! Especially for a beginner. Infact i would say they are one of the best "cheapies" Be warned though parents, it might make them want the genuine article - college fund go bye bye