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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. Ah , make sense !
  2. Nice build ! Why didn't you added coin validators and add credits by adding coins ? I try to setup all tables with a rom for 1 credit to the left coin chute and 2 credits to the right. And yes, you are lucky when you get the cabinet ! Realy nice!
  3. Happy new year and the best wishes for 2021. Lets forget 2020 ! Thanks for all the great work to everybody that makes the GameEx forum and apps a succes
  4. @scutters and I just released our latest version ( Special thanks to Jérôme AIZIER and @barto107 for taking care of the French translation ! Also special thanks for Oliver who changed the German language (and found some English typos as well ) For easy install, we created a setup file with Inno Setup (Inno Setup Downloads (jrsoftware.org)) to easily install or de-install database manager After first install, it knows the install path for 2nd time (if you don't de-install the program in between) Also added some extra features that where requested. Also a small anniversary version, because exactly one year ago in this week, the first code was typed into Visual Studio and in the meantime a lot of releases without breaking anybody's PinballX setup ! Enjoy all and have a Merry Christmas !
  5. Hey buddy, post the log and your ini file for Tom. I'm sure he can fix it
  6. You dont have an old disk where you can test windows on it and install pinballx 64 bit ?
  7. As Draco mentioned, you can add a feature request, but maybe a good friend of my can help you. @scutterscreated multiple plugins that displays information. maybe he can add that to his statistics plugin. If you ask him nicely and pass him some beers
  8. If it is the record part in pinup player, the best way is to ask on the forum where they support pinup player. I never used it, so not aware how it works.
  9. Using 2 front ends ? Pinup popper and pinballx ? Is the table launching fine outside the fronten(s) ?
  10. Not sure what you want, but pinballx uses instructions cards. These are instruction how a table works and can be viewed within Pinballx or even during gameplay. If you want your txt files to be used, maybe convert them to an instruction card extension and put it into the correct folder. Database manager can help you easily to drag and drop the files and save them. If you want to view your text files before playing, you can maybe do a Launch before command that shows the text file before launching a table Hope this make sense
  11. Open the table in the editor, click on scripts and modify the line Const cGameName = That should contain the rom name
  12. Is thisonly when lsunching from PonballX, or also when you launch directly the vpx table ?. What version of Freezy do you run ? If you disable in vpinmame to use external dmd, and enable the virtualdmd. Is it showing fine ? Did you try other afm roms ?
  13. Bu stands for backup. When you save a file, it wil also create a bu file. If you open gamemanager and you save the file by accident, you will loose all your custom fields with the bu file, you can restore it
  14. Checking your xml file, I don't see any subdirectory in it. I only see the name and the description. <game name="Corvette-Bally-1994"> <description>Corvette (Midway 1994)</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Midway</manufacturer> <year>1994</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidetopper>True</hidetopper> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> So you are saying that PBX takes the first VPX/VPT file in the directory ? Thats a bit tricky for our program. I think we cannot help you with that request - sorry - EDIT: I still you can use our program, but your tables will all be marked as obsolete Because you folder name os the Table name. but, features like "VP table info", "Table versions", New tables and obsolete tables won't work. So you will have the same features as gamemanager will offer you (only our program is a bit faster ) For creating media, we use the API from PBX. We didn't built our own stuff. So if you use PBXrecorder to create your media, just use that one I even thought that @scutters is using PBXrecorder, but I stay with the build in PinballX recorder (so, I can capture with NVDIA capture on 4k and 60fps)
  15. We (@scuttersand I) assumed you have all in the same folder, or if you use different folders, you would create different systems. Because we use auto add function, check for obsolete, media audit, etc, it is hard to use paths in the name. I never did it, but you can try to add the folder in the filename section. I will put it on the "to check" list. Maybe we can find an easy way to fulfill your needs with subdirs. Can you maybe send us your old database files, for testing ?
  16. Not sure what firmware version you run on your pinDMDv3, but there is an update that you need to request and work better with freezy's 1.8 : PinDMD3: How to flash a new firmware · freezy/dmd-extensions Wiki · GitHub Maybe you can give that a try And indeed what @scutters, said ask the flex DMD team. I'm still an (happy) ultra dmd user (with an PinDMDv3 as well)
  17. I put a like on your quoted reply!
  18. That looks really awesome @scutters. good work !
  19. No, there is not a key to go directly to systems. You need to do it from the menu
  20. Please, post any feature request in the following thread:
  21. I'm not sure, but think you need to create 2 future pinball folders with all files. 1 for pinevent and 1 for non pinevent tables.
  22. Someone posted on github an fix for it, but I can't get it to work : https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/blob/master/LibDmd/Input/PinballFX/PinballFX3MemoryGrabber.cs
  23. Not sure what the real question is, but you have videos and images and you want to display the correct one (some needs custom images and some not ?) I think you need to check table by table in Gamemanager/ Database manager and check what you want to show during game play or not. Database manager can maybe handy to search on words/tables/types etc, so it is easier for you. And yes, I also have around 800 VPX tables and sometimes I need to change some settings and need to go to every table to get it working correctly. That's the beauty of you own cabinet. You never finished with it
  24. I will send you a pm with the info. Thanks for helping !
  25. Let me think of it and will implement it in the next release (if my programming partner @scutters is ok with it.) I don't have much time the comming weeks, but pretty busy with work and started to rebuild my mancave. So it will not be finished soon It was translated by an colleague of my, who doesn't have anything with pinball. But it was a good start if you want I can send you a file with all words/sentences and you can go through it to check if it is ok and modify where needed we appreciate all the help we can get !
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